
The Dozens is excellent.

Pearl is on uppers, downers, and candy corn.

Then there's…Rupaul. Same name, similar persona in/out of drag…yet always fabulous.

Didn't Sasha Belle leave with like, 9 suitcases?

Perhaps we should extend the stigma against mental illness to the overall distrust in doctors by large. I think the bigger picture comes from a distrust of being "drugged" by doctors using a medicine one is unfamiliar with. It's not the diagnosis that perturbs people… it's the treatment.

Wow. Twenty-three people are assholes.

It's on YouTube. World of Wonder channel.

His magic penis will now wear a cape.

Did Annalise know about the affair before Lila's murder? I don't think so… She didn't find out about it until the d*ck pic. Remember, "What's your penis doing on a dead girl's phone?"

Only Oliver has the disease.

Or, because we find out later that Annalise's mother saw Annalise's uncle emerge from her bedroom, and that her mother might draw a conclusion that "men" and bedrooms hold a certain connotation.

So does acting. Maybe it's his personality that attracts/repulses you some he looks the same on both shows.

Only 13 comments?? Damn you, Empire!!!

Then why was she hired?

But that's what you see.. How are we to know that Ayla isn't fun if they only edit in her quiet moments? For all we know, she could have more dialogue that edited down. They didn't even show her talking during the team challenge. How did she and Jimmy work so well if they didn't communicate? Yet, we never saw it. We

I guess when racism or discrimination makes one uncomfortable, the logical reaction is to explain it away. Sometimes we just have to accept that some people have prejudices. Doesn't mean they hate her. They just… are more interested in the other kids because maybe they relate to them more. It's not hateful, may even

The judges seem to never refer to her directly. She might volunteer much info, but they don't seem to be trying to get to know her like they do some of the others.

I think it's Cory they want to keep, not Andrew. Cory has a successful business, tons of press… he's been on Ellen, for crying out loud! Plus, he's the only kid featured in the ad with the judges. He may not win, but he had a following and the show wool keep him around to capitalize on that.

Perhaps, because a large majority of NYC taxi drivers are Indian. Also because they are the ones most likely to not stop for Black people trying to hail taxis.

You say her " anniversary" like she and Lucious are still together. Why would that be her first thought when they broke up years ago?