
He's filming another show. In sure he would be written into the script now more if he were available…

I thought it was a funny reference because while many hip hop musicians use it as a stylistic choice (T-Pain) , many others use it to disguise the fact that they can't sing. So, a mom auto tuning her children singing Christmas Carols is hilarious and OTT.

I think he's supposed to live in the guest house. Wasn't he entertaining a lady friend there one episode? Or so it was explained…

Yea. The same used to happen to mixed children under Jim Crow. Except 'pure' meant 'white'. There was the "one drop rule", meaning, no matter how white you looked, if you had one drop of Black blood, you were Black, and thus relegated to the back of the bus. Some people would "pass" for white, which would build

I always understood "blacks can't be racist" as in "minorities can't be racist" because there is a distinct difference between "racism" and "bigotry." Anyone can be a bigot. Anyone can hate another race or culture or whatever, and rant about it from their porches. However, racism = bigotry + power…meaning the power to

If they don't have house keys, how did Wes storm into Annalise's bedroom a few episodes back, to confront her about Sam's dick pic? It was after hours, shoot… Annalise has taken her hair off!

I haven't laughed this hard at an episode since Happy Endings. This show is really catching its stride.

Edward Mordrake is this season's Papa Legba.

A lot of my middle class white friends of mine didn't get spankings, but they did get slapped across the face by their moms. I found that horrifying.. I'd rather my butt get hit. lol

Fun fact: Kelsey Grammer executive produced Girlfriends. And, if I'm not mistaken, The Game.