We need to get this kid free tickets to see Black Panther. That’s the least he deserves for being the woke and being this “I don’t give a fuck about how woke I am” at age 9. Shit, put him in the movie.
1. The matter-of-fact way he states, “Today was not a good learning day.” Which, in this context, is the equivalent…
In other pointless news:
going back to being white?? You are white dumb dumb
Any FB “friend” of Joel Osteen is no friend of mine. I am not religious but can’t take seriously those that support mega-churches.
overly-wrought. That’s the word I was looking for to describe her blog. I have friends that follow her on Facebook, so I see her posts every now and then. Not my cup of tea, but I won’t unfollow anyone for it.
Wut? Well that’s a twist I didn’t see coming. Good for her/them. I hope they’re both happy and it works out with the kids and all that stuff.
Melton has never been a fundie, but yeah, I’m convinced that if all LGBT people were out and accepted that the number of fundies would drop by about 90%.