Tu veux ou tu veux pas?

I am Sara without an "h." This has been my name for twenty-three years.

Oh Macy Gray. She might as well have said "Fuck this. Let's just say it's New Year's right now, ok? How about that. Happy New Year's motherfuckers, here is a song from 2001 that I am going to half sing for you right now."

Love this.

I was hoping for Ren Stevens.

Where the fuck do you even go to buy $4,500 worth of Archie Comics and Mad Magazine?!?!?!?!?!?!


Seriously. Does everyone have it out for him this year? His show wasn't even nominated for the Golden Globes. Seriously, how does The Big Bang Theory and Smash get picked over LOUIE? Conspiracy.

I am actually kind of about Bethenny Frankel's divorce. I mean, I'm not terribly surprised but I am sad. Especially after that extremely emotion first season of Bethenny Ever After..

I already watched the third season as well, because I know how to watch episodes illegally online.

Because, in a lot of states, parents have fought for the right to educate their children how they see fit. Some have even been jailed to gain that right. I'm sure the last thing they want is for the public to start looking at their children as mass school shooters in the making.

I'm sorry, but if you don't think that bringing growing human life and bringing said life into the world, and then raising said life does not qualify as "work" then I seriously suggest readjusting your definition.

Now playing

Tom: "Your favorite kind of cake can't be birthday cake. That's like saying your favorite kind of cereal is breakfast cereal!"

Sophia Bush kind of looks like Jennifer Lawrence with those least in that picture.

This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

OK, so if Kate IS knocked up with twins, then it will definitively prove that whatever tabloids print will eventually come true. (Don't check the science on this, just know that I am right and that there is, in fact, science to check.)

Maya Rudolph will have to be there too. Just because. Maybe Jon Hamm because...well, doesn't every situation call for a little Hamm?


I kind of skipped over all of the parts about Kayne and went straight to the parts about being best friends with Beyonce.

Same question.

Whoa, Kyle Maclachlan.