Tu veux ou tu veux pas?

Hooray for Up All Night! I love that show, and whoever thought to cast Will Arnet and Christina Applegate is really good at their job.

I look forward to Cathy Horyn's upcoming evisceration.

That sounds like a good idea, do you have a specific place in mind? I

Attention Jezzie's in the NYC area!

I'll post on tonight's open thread and see if there are any more takers.

Hmm. I'm not sure of where I wanted to have it. I mean, there are places that I want to visit, but nothing that would be good for a group get together. Do you have something in mind?

Whew! Thanks!

Darn it! I wish I had known about it. I have also been here a little over a month, but in the first two weeks I was running around like crazy trying to find a place to live, so I wasn't keeping my eyes open for these kinds of things. Hopefully other people comment!

I love Black Star! You're going to enjoy that. It's been my life's dream to see them in concert since forever! Well, not forever. More like the last couple of years, but you get the idea.

Non-alcoholic wine? Isn't that like grape juice? Also, that ice cream and cake pairing sounds freaking GENIUS! Hats off to you.

Yeah, that's a little bit weird, and also unfortunate for him. You know, for those nights he wants to go out and hang with his friends and has no one to call. Maybe you can find him friends as a wedding present?

I just moved to New York City and I need friends! Anyone in the area down for a Jezebel meet up?! Like a Jezebel night out or something?! With alcohol (obvs)!

I just moved to New York City and I need friends! Anyone in the area down for a Jezebel meet up?! Like a Jezebel night out or something?! With alcohol (obvs)!

Me too.

Wait, so you're saying that it is possible to grow out of it? Because I'm turning 22 in a couple of weeks, and that this has pretty solidly been my flirting method since I got in trouble for flashing the neighbor boys my training bra when I was 8. Is it too personal to ask how you grew out of it?

I love the show too and I'll be 22 in a couple of weeks.

I imagine Rick Perry is super manly in bed. He probably growls and then shoots pistols into the air when he ejaculates, or something. And then eats a fifteen pound rare steak when he's done, followed by some super manly cow wrangling or something.

Wow. I'm glad this came out a month after I moved to New York City because I was just thinking to myself "You know, I'm not questioning this decision enough."

Grey's Anatomy season 2. That's all I'm going to say.

He's 43, which is the same age Gloria Vanderbilt was when she had him.