
This paragraph from scarymommy killed me. Lol

Talky Tina is the grandmother from Mulan who is Cindy Lou Who? My mind is blown. I love that Twilight Zone.

I am rarely moved to comment but this is just absurd. I would say the issue isn’t what porn a man likes to watch, it’s you insisting on being a victim because you are offended. Don’t try to push off being offended like it’s a legitimate threat to women’s safety. There are many actual issues women face and the fact


You know what I hope for, that the murders stop period. But your hope is that it’s a white guy. I hope the second suspect is caught, but you hope it’s a white guy. I hope the police officers families find peace somehow, you hope it’s a white guy. If that’s your immediate thought and initial hope on hearing about

This article is exaggerating how much most marines care about this topic. I’m not sure why Jez readers seem to think most military members are backwoods Republicans, I guess it fits their world view. But asking my husband, a marine, and his marine buddies, not one of them had a strong opinion on this or even knew