
Even the new mayor had a change of heart thanks to all of that infectious Capone joy & it was strangely touching: "Why did I choose all 3? Because I simply didn't care. Then I saw that they cared deeply & who am I to break someone's heart? This is not what a mayor does."

Allan McLeod's mellow slurring was delightful & now I'll always remember that Andrew Jackson had diarrhea.

I was hoping for an Arrested Development type "him?" during her talk with Rachel, but Quinn's sneering "Jeremy?" was perfect for this show.

The credits were great, they were so pompous & cheapskate:
Inner Ear Collages by Sean Leforgeneux
Funding with a mid-range grant from The Swedish Cinema Board
They even threw in a Metaphysical Visual Consultant at the end.

"Warrior Pose" *crick*

"Sparks are flying like the Wright brothers between you two & I would know because I have their biography here in my backpack."

That was one hell of a pitch meltdown: "Dog looks at dang dang, tail wag wag……Whatever dog's name is, dog's name is Claire, Claire come in."

I was so happy that we got another chef & Gwynne song: "picture the great big pool of puke & stool and a happy ending for us!"

Louise & Tina worked really well together as an assault team.

"So…have you always been from England?" That cutaway to the guests on the couch was a perfect little snapshot of awkward silence.

Nick in all caps mode is my favorite Nick: "THEY'RE BOTH SUPER EASY. WE'RE TALKING ABOUT LAUNDRY AND A RULER."

Paulie G. picking out such a brutal monologue for her to read made that furious "Fuck you, Mitch. Just fuck you!" so satisfying.

Nick's entire word vomit confessional was amazing, kicked off by his version of Landslide: "I drove around & I hit a pound, and I sawww the puppies with their eyes so blind.."

That song was my favorite part of the episode - it was so unexpected & moving & then they flipped it into the ridiculous with the shot of Vernon passed out on the foosball table.

I'd love to see it just for the new opening titles showing an even grumpier Selena 'proud' to be Veep.

Mike going highbrow for the put-down: "Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said 'Dan is a fucking terrible campaign manager'".

"…AND POST!" *relish jar mic drop*

Abbi turning herself into a human tea cosy after hearing Bevers' bleeptastic description was perfect.

Her Tammy was great and that final "JANET!" was so full of rage she sounded like a bratty demon.

I was expecting a shot of the blue shower cap whirling in the storm after the American Beauty plastic bag bit & I love the way this show can surprise you with the punchline. Ilana's doo-doo ninja scene was awesome.