Reasoning like Daesim's justifies garbage like bleach enemas and the Judge Rotenberg Center.
Reasoning like Daesim's justifies garbage like bleach enemas and the Judge Rotenberg Center.
Please have more respect for your genitals.
Nitpick: Madam Gao first appeared in Daredevil season 1, not Iron Fist.
I'm queer, I disagree.
Do check out and to get a better grasp of intersectional autism. Our condition is not limited to cishet white males, and acting otherwise is a steaming cesspool of bigotry.
A show with an autistic protagonist features a white guy pursuing a hetero relationship. Ferfuxsake, it wouldn't kill TV to show us as PoC, queer, female, non binary…
It's a really easy Hawaiian dish to make if you already have burger patties on hand.
I simmer my burgers in sauce. It keeps them juicy, plus I can wander away for a while and do other things in the meantime. Saucy burger patties go great in loco mocos.
Those are some serious match cuts.
"When the egg is moving along its last little stretch, right before it exits the chicken, the cloaca inverts like a sock so it doesn’t come into contact with any excrement."
Racial prejudice is not limited to the 1960s. The only time black people are allowed to exist in history is when it's about slavery or the Civil Rights Movement, and its a prime irritant.
I don't care what the naysayers say, kimchi soup with eggs is filling enough to be a meal.
Pretty sure the toe is a biohazard. Even if it's not, the post office frowns upon sending fluid through the mail. Royally Oilly committed some serious federal crimes.
Not snark exactly, but this PSA feels really weird in light of Lena Dunham's memoir.
Initially, our kitten was Samson. When it turned out he was a girl, Samus seemed the only appropriate name.
Another thing that bothers me about this sort of media coverage is that it covers one kind of assault. What little I've encountered of female on female abuse on campus is appalling, but more likely to get overlooked on account of our cultural narrative saying that only males can be aggressors. Sigh.
I've been spat upon too much for being autistic to find those things funny.
A lot of us are married or with long term partners.
I still feel bad for all the people losing their jobs.
Considering we've shared similar environments, I can't say I'm surprised. Nothing like a society saying that you should die in order to stop contaminating others with your existence to make yourself suicidal.