Fox doesn't control the Governors, but they do put a lot of opinions in the public's mind. For better or worse… My aunt is one, along with several others.
Fox doesn't control the Governors, but they do put a lot of opinions in the public's mind. For better or worse… My aunt is one, along with several others.
I actually debate that myself. If everything is going to hell: Do we follow the Constitution on Presidential requirements?
I googled it after a few questions arose from the trailer: It's basically the last-resort if everyone, including the DS is killed. The State Governments assign the Senate and it continues from there. There's an article about it listed from the google. From what I see: They'd vote for the most senior senator, or in…
One thing I did wonder during all this if it wasn't a Muslim attack at all. Before 9/11 there was a lot of "Red" *U.S.S.R.* threats, but also a lot of DOMESTIC attacks. The Oklahoma City bombing being a big one. *Timothy McVeigh a very colorful case if you ever read on him* Waco also. There was a bombing in the WtC in…
I can see states trying to leave, actually… A lot of states would think about themselves being higher than the president in times like this. At least power wise. The South pulled it before in the Civil War for state rights.
There can be a filler if the DS resigns… But it's a MUCH longer process to do so. Especially when you have a whole bunch of people chomping at the bit for revenge. Basically the governors select/elect the Senate and they vote from there.
The biggest thing about the DS is that he has to follow the bylines of being President: He has to be a natural U.S. citizen. *born in America*, be 35 years old and have lived in the U.S. for the last 14 years without being in another country for long periods of time.