Did you know the Lexus is basically a Camry platform? Toyota has fooled buyers by charging its high price for a basically upgraded Camry!
Did you know the Lexus is basically a Camry platform? Toyota has fooled buyers by charging its high price for a basically upgraded Camry!
I own a new MKZ and you are right about the hypocrits. They never owned or drove a Lincoln....but they bellow their negativity because they are simply bored and looking for attention. I call it the Baby Crying syndrome.
Please...Stop with the madness. Kia and Hyundai are simply in a league of their own......the pee wee league.
I double that blam! Just bought a new MKZ.......awesome car.
All KIAs suffers with that hairlip front....not to mention poor quality.
I think it took them less than a minute. They have nothing better to do.
No, you’ve never had a desire to accept a nice design.
Spoken from a true used Kia owner....or is it a Hyundai....?
Yeah bro.....you are slam dunking those clowns.
Totally agreed on MKZ. However, these sardonic critics will continue to throw their bias baloney out to somehow bolster their ego.
Apparently you are unaware that true buyers in this category disagree with your personal opinion. Fact......the MKZ consistently outsells its competitors each month.
.....tell us how you really feel.....then again .....don’t!
Agreed. These negative snipers have nothing better to do. The Lincoln is way out of their price and range.
Huh....you also probably believe the earth is flat. Jay Leno taught you? I will bet you’ll never have the opportunity to buy anything new since you are still living at home and watching the tonight show?
It’s always the snipers with negative comments who are the ones driving 10 year old clunkers and are envious of anything new and inviting.
Never heard you complain when everybody copied the 3 bar grill design that Ford introduced on the initial Fusion....now that all the foreign carmakers copied.
Spoken from an expert who likes the Fiat 500 design trend.
Yeah right...and I bet you also see dead people.
Totally agree....maybe the round wheels....and license plate bracket.
Ugh....nobody wants to be compared looking like a Chrysler FIat.