
They forgot human tampon.

Nice to see them in their second romcom together. Dracula was a romcom right?

This kind of resenting-the-lazy-poor-with-too-many-kids-etc-etc talk is disgusting, no matter which subgroup of poor people it is aimed at.

“I blame the powerless. They deserve their circumstance, it’s all their fault, why don’t they just NOT be poor? Now I’m not saying all poor people are bad, there are good ones, but

You sound Republican. You sick of black people and Mexicans who fall into the same traps?

Now playing

She is justly remembered for playing the only Lois Lane who seemed like an actual person and not a love interest-shaped placeholder, but to me her career high point was Black Christmas, in which she played the absolute best mean drunk bitch in cinema history. She’s funny, callous, and weirdly, totally sympathetic. One

The dress is really beautiful and I know I should be wowed but I just find something missing. But this is what’s good about the internet: she can metaphorically tick someone else’s boxes and do well from it.

Nothing to do with POC. We once had a busted-ass white meth head that was creeping around our sorority house. We didn’t approach him and introduce ourselves, the situation played itself out when a group of students walk by and he started ranting at them, then ran off. I would not have advised any women to approach and

I didn’t say the person was dangerous, and in this case they definitely were not. What I was questioning was your advice that when a college aged woman sees someone they don’t recognize in their dorm, they walk up and introduce themselves. I think that is really dumb and still suspect you may be trolling. I was not

I read in another story it all got started ecase she was being loud AF, and instead of just asking her to lower her voice, he went on this tirade. Let me explicitly state her obnoxiousness does not excuse his racist language. It seems like both were being jerks. One obviously more so than the other. She probably was

How would you feel afterwards if that plane went down and you knew some drunk stewardess cost people their lives when trying to get off a burning plane or something? They are safety personnel that are tasked with saving you in the event of an emergency you short-sighted fool.

Wow at all the stupid people who seem to have forgotten that stewardesses also double as safety personnel if the plane gets into trouble. I’m not really surprised though by all the fucking fools voting this ignorant shit up. This simplistic, knee-jerk sort of reaction is why the world sucks so much... there are simply

She is legally in charge of the cabin - it is a BFD. Passengers are beaten and arrested for far less.

So, are you condoning the behavior of this flight attendant? Are you doing it because you think she’s totally in the right, or are you doing it because you’re racist, and you’re defending the black woman from the white woman, facts be damned?

When the passengers are LEGALLY REQUIRED to follow her commands, yes, being drunk is a big fucking deal.

Come, sit here next to me, fellow pedant.

You two can take your humble brags somewhere else.

Yeah, my first thought was, just because Brokaw learned, at some point, not to be an ass doesn’t mean he never was. Maybe his long-suffering wife woman-splained it to him, and I think he has daughters, so maybe some of the women in his life and at work ‘splained it to him and he grew and has been supportive of others.

A shitty dude financing some art isn’t even close to the same as a shitty dude being the creator and subject of it.

That’s steady work like Tonya Harding steady work...

The only thing I miss more than Alex and Simon, are Richard Lawson’s amazing and hilarious recaps of those episodes.