
Judaism is as much an ethnicity as it is a religion

“you who successfully navigated the minefield of rude remarks family surely hurled in your general direction”

get help

yeah, abandoning your children is totally ok! 

lol. 1940s fascism: Kristallnacht and judenrein.

There was a problem with child pornography, is my understanding

But we should also try to understand their point of view. For them, their traditional way of life is being threatened by the invasion of Western mores.

I believe Rihanna’s lingerie line also only goes up to size 20

ahh I thought we were supposed to like Cardi B??

Adam Lanza?

um Chau is not white

despicable not dispicable. 

and yet note how this is the one thread that actually got people discussing and replying to one another...

here’s some advice: open a book

um pretty sure no one is accusing Diaz of rape. But ok.

you aren’t at all troubled by Machado trying to use #metoo as an opportunity to blatantly slander Junot Diaz? You don’t think this incident gives people reason to not ‘believe all women’ ??

my take is that she needs to be held accountable for lying and trying to use the #metoo moment as an opportunity to slander Junot Diaz (for apparently no reason). she discredits women everywhere. she is a liar

you think any of that in any way excuses Machado from slandering Diaz with literal LIES - in the name of #metoo?! She discredits women everywhere when she falsely makes claims about Diaz treating her, a woman, in a violent manner (her words: he was ‘enraged’). 

he didn’t even do those things. he literally did nothing that would excuse this woman slandering him

Perhaps perusing the statistics on the effects of divorce on young children will enlighten you as to why some people choose to stay together.