
Always remember why they think like that: they have no idea what it’s like to be a woman. Literally no clue. A lot of them have no idea what sexual harassment is like; if they themselves do not harass women, they probably rarely if ever witness it. The guys I’ve known who have witnessed abuse are just as disgusted by

these rumors have been out there for awhile...

Restaurants close their kitchens long before they lock their doors.

Or maybe Proust just wasn’t that into him... also an option!

Although it’s true that the PC mantra was famously “rugs not people” wrt the term “Oriental,” today I never hear anyone refer to Chinese or Japanese architecture as “Oriental.” In your example, where the architecture is eclectic kitsch, it would seem appropriate to put “Oriental” in scare quotes...

Well that would appear to be the only possible rationale for someone not finding this mess offensive, outdated and dumb.

Eh we should all adopt a two-child policy. This talk of “women’s bodies” seems less urgent now that the planet is going up in flames

Eh... in my experience it sort of is our responsibility. Not that it should be but it is. They have all that testosterone, poor guys.... women got to keep them in check

reason #1 that democracy was always doomed to fail, LOL!!

I agree that POC’s comments have no value unless they stick to what liberal white people think they should think

look just come out as a repub and get it over with

becky w/no brain

you know calling me sweetie just makes you look bad...

yeah hating white trash is a-okay, great, ok duly noted. lol re: “honey”... so pathetic honestly.

try again


then stop responding to me, it’s quite stupid

wouldn’t that be the Column A/Column B option?

I didn’t ask for “the answer” I asked for your opinion.

advice. advise is a verb