Sarah W

um omg not a BDSM expert over here, but maybe DON'T BUY YOUR ROPE AT B&Q?!?!?!

1. Beyonce was probably the best album of last year and Beck winning the Grammy was probably another example in the long line of examples of the old dopes running the Grammys being old dopes.

At what point does Kim start getting seriously offended by Kanye's raging hard-on for Beyonce?

I can't believe the ONE time an author gets unprecedented creative control over a film adaptation, it's fucking E.L James and 50 Shades of Grey.

I am in no way defending this trash heap, but everyone's acting like this horrible movie just fell from the sky into their laps as if it weren't something they agreed to do.

Let's be fair: Stephanie Meyer should get some of the blame for the books as well.

I have been COUNTING THE DAYS until the Horrible Sleeve Trend (shoulder seam dropped to middle of upper arm, dolmans, batwings, all of it) dies a well-deserved death. Fashion people, you're sending mixed signals. You demand that we be as thin and angular as possible, then you design shit that looks dumpy and shapeless

I laughed at the tapered pants too, and now I love them. But there's a different harbinger of doom that I dread more. Is it just me, or are we heading back to the days of ill-fitting shirts with shoulder seams that reached your elbow? The horror! I really like clothes that fit me. I'm hoping that fashion won't

Sometimes I genuinely feel bad for Dornan because I think this movie has the potential to really hurt his rep and then I remember that I'm feeling bad for a successful underwear model who just made a ton of money.

now WHY THE HELL could he not have had this beautiful beard in the movie itself. Hot DAYUM, the man looks good with scruff. In my humble opinion much better than without (although obviously he's ridiculously gorg either way).

I just finished Season 2 of The Fall.

Hillary basically took over the White House when her husband got into trouble. She's a two-term Senator and a former Secretary of State.

It is worth noting that the man quoted above is 40 years old. One of the others is 39. Not really sure why he thought college girls were a workable strategy in this first place. I would have been extremely creeped out by a strange middle-aged man approaching me and giving me a ton of compliments and asking me weird

Swimwear is a personal choice. The United States is OBSESSED with the categorical organization of people by age brackets. What you are supposed to do, wear, think, care about, who is supposed to be a friend or lover; all dictated by age. That's grade A bullshit. There are 25 year olds who look like shit in bikinis and

I think Fey would make a great female Venkman. I'm not sure I see Poehler, though I do love her.

I could see Wiig as Venkman.

Pretty much any woman beats the shit out of Seth Rogen and Jack Black. So I am quite the opposite of upset about this.

I honestly think it will be good, Bridesmaids is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen and I have faith in this cast and the writing! But I also think that it won't matter if it's actually good, the same people will just find a way to shit on it regardless :-(

Yeah, people are kind of annoyed. I am not myself, but I wish Feig could do a movie without Wiig and McCarthy.

My favourite thing about the Americans is that a Welsh bloke can play a Russian playing an American playing loads of different Americans. Such is the power of acting and wigs.