Sarah W

One of my colleagues referred to this as the Hot-or-Not Problem, because her comments had never been so bad before RateMyProfessors started asking that question on its surveys. She was convinced that that site publicly telling students to consider that made sexism in evaluations into such a thing.

...and thanks for the "good heavens, Miss Sakamoto, you're beautiful" stock photo, there.

I was just talking with a professor about this today. The problem's been noted, written about, made the subject of papers and worked into monographs etc. since the 1980s. The academy's done nothing about it and still pretends

I used to be a college instructor 20 years ago (Yikes! Time flies!) Anyway, I worked mostly with Freshman and sophomores ie 18 and 19 year olds kids, and I NEVER got an inappropriate review, beyond the occasional kid writing that I was cute. (And I was back then.) The fact that law students, who should be actual

did you expect something different from a show that is literally about sexual violence? Were they supposed to pan away and then back again like they did back in the 1950's when people on TV kissed? It's a horrible and graphic topic. Why not display it horribly and graphically.

And then it calls the audience right the fuck out on that, more than once. That second season was intense.

So does Law & Order: SVU. The Fall is significantly better.

I just fail to understand why the masses find it so ridiculously hot. And a love story to boot!

Ladies, if a man is scheduling your OB-GYN appointments in his apartment and taking out your tampon....

Agreed. I mean like, I don't even want to hate-watch it. And I love hate-watching terrible movies.

Vivien Leigh could've generated chemistry with a MARBLE STATUE, come on

Jesus, I guess whenever I saw Bratz dolls before, I was distracted by all their elaborate outfits/hairdos/accessories/backdrops/whatever. Seeing them "naked" now? HOLY SHIT THEY ARE SO PORNY. LOOK AT THAT FUCKING MAKEUP.

What she has is a terrible case of not recognizing her privilege.

She gave a great interview with Howard Stern. I think she's cool, she just has a terrible case of foot in mouth disease...

I LOVE jumpsuits; personally own two. You have to be really careful about the fit in the crotch area though. Gwyneth… was not careful about the fit in the crotch area.

I have no qualms about jumpsuits, but that jumpsuit has issues. It's looks like a wearable pelvic exam.


Okay, but can we talk about what's happening with that jumpsuit? Because I don't understand what's happening with that jumpsuit.

Hmm. If I can't have Actual Feminist or Feminist Who Doesn't Know He's A Feminist Until You Tell Him, I'd say that Non-Feminist Good Dude is the best of the bunch.

I would like to objectify a lemon cake right now.