Sarah W

Yeah I've never really cared for Wigg, don't hate her, just never really liked her. My perfect cast would have been Melissa McCarthy, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, and Aisha Tyler. I'm sure they couldn't afford them though. Also Jessica Williams, I've never seen her on anything other than the Daily Show, but she is awesome

Can't I love the original movie, and still be excited to see this new one?

Ugh if you haven't already, avoid all comments sections on articles about the new Ghostbusters movie aside from here, and maybe The Mary Sue, The Mary Sue is probably safe. Everywhere else is a disaster and will make you want to cry.


Yeah.... not okay. My partner and I do have sex when I'm on my period, but I would NEVER be okay with him removing my tampon for me. I go in the bathroom and take care of it and then we get down to business.

Honestly in some ways isn't this good? Stores have started their sales early and over time this may dilute that insanity of Black Friday. Don't get me wrong I hate Black Friday and do not leave my house, at least not to go near retail stores on that most darkest of days, but still if Amazon can steal Black Friday's

The Age of Adaline Starring Blake Lively's hair. Seriously though I'm pretty sure her hair has more dramatic presence than she does.

These are pretty great, not necessarily my style, but still cool to look at. The only thing I really don't like is the earring, it is hideous.

I don't know. I'm not saying I approve (cause I really don't), but spoiled rich kids are spoiled rich kids. It's not new.

Oh my god, I nearly cried at my desk just reading this. Such a hard choice to make, so many complex emotions. We have 3 cats who are still fairly young and healthy and it still makes me sick just thinking about the day when we will eventually have to make these choices with them, I can't even imagine letting them go,

Had this mug for a long time and liked it fine, but ended up switching brands because I found it very hard to clean. The inside would get coated in nasty coffee gunk, no matter what I did to clean it, there would be little cracks and crevices that it would always build up in. I now have a Zojirushi and I LOVE it,

Had this mug for a long time and liked it fine, but ended up switching brands because I found it very hard to clean.

You know if you don't want to go you can just not go. I've declined plenty of invitations in recent years because I couldn't afford to travel to the wedding, had conflicting plans, or simply didn't want to go.

I grew up in Michigan and in 2003 I went to senior prom with one of my best friends, also a girl. We are both straight, both single at the time, and both of us had been asked to prom by guys who were totally nice, but who we really didn't know that well so we decided we'd rather spend the evening with each other.

Okay, I"m glad so many other people think that's what happened too. I was sure he had been bitten and that's why he went outside to have a cry, but then I got confused when they never actually show you one way or another. I guess he could have played a part in betraying them that we have yet to learn about and that

I've never even heard of Annabelle, but I did see Gone Girl opening weekend, with my BF, and we thought it was great. Though I wouldn't say that I drove the decision to see it. I'm a big reader, but never read the book and honestly had no interest. I like psychological thrillers/mysteries as movies, but I'm not

The comments that followed were not fake. 4chan may not have started it, but their users did run with it. The threats of rape, death, and other violence on 4chan aren't fake. "I didn't start it" is a weak ass argument, and it also really isn't the point. Ugh.

Since it is actually based on an old folk tale I'm pretty sure she's going to have a tough time with this one.

Oh no I think you're absolutely right, and I don't plan to. I just sometimes worry or perhaps a better way to put it is that I am very conscious of the fact that if I ever do decide that it is something I want to do I need to closely examine that choice to make sure it is truly me wanting it rather than me wanting it

This is one of my greatest fears! I'm almost 30 and in a happy, stable, long term relationship. I've never had a desire for children this is not to say that I don't like children, I do, but I've never wanted my own. My partner and I have talked about this a lot basically when we started getting serious I made it

When I was in graduate school in the UK (I'm a US citizen) I would ALWAYS get checked for selected for extra screening. This was at airport security going either way, not customs. I never gave a thought to a woman traveling alone being suspicious, but one of the times that I got asked to step aside the TSA officer