Sarah W

"Treat me like a sky peasant and I will dress like a sky peasant. " hahaha delightful. I'm with you on this one, I usually try to strike a balance between comfort and being presentable when I travel, but if push comes to shove comfort will win every damn time. I'm 5'9" and I'm sorry, but if there is anyway that I

Okay not that I ever thought this was a good idea, but EWWWW what is with the bike shorts?

Huh, looks totally bizarre, but interesting.

Yeah, I'm really glad they mentioned the money thing. Sure you can have tons of money and be miserable, but when I think of my own relationship most of the major stresses in our life arise from financial concerns, and we don't even have children.

I've had very similar conversations with my boyfriend about this, and he never quite seemed to be able to relate, like he wanted to but wasn't sure how. Then one day I realized that he actually does experience a very similar thing regularly, though as a man it has different societal connotations. He's redhead, not

If you have a smart phone and can convince your friends to download the Venmo App, it works great. Google Wallet is also an option.

Yep, there are a lot of ways to do it. One of the ones that I recently became aware of and that my current friend group uses a LOT is Venmo.

So I haven't seen the original move in a loooooong time, but I really liked her and was pleasantly surprised by her role. I think it was done pretty realistically too, she dealt with a lot of crap from the men and well everyone really and she handled herself really well. The series is kinda a slow starter, I wasn't

Have you watched the recent FX miniseries Fargo? You wouldn't know it from the advertising, but there is a strong female lead detective in that who is awesome, fairly well adjusted, and yes she's very pretty but she's not some stick thin eye candy type either. She's played by Allison Tolman who does a truly fantastic

Yes, 100% agree.

Ugh, yeah. So my partner and I enjoy what would probably be considered pretty tame BDSM so I'm not claiming to be an expert here and I've never read the books, but I just find the entire premise appalling. I probably wouldn't find it nearly as upsetting if she were an interesting and assertive person to begin with,

Which perfectly exemplifies just how fucked up things are, that you don't feel comfortable confronting someone who says something to you on the street.

Okay this was my play by play reactions when reading the nominations:

"I mean I know British accents can trick a lot of Americans into thinking something is fancy, but yikes. When you look at the nominees for "Outstanding Drama Series" it's like playing "one of these things doesn't belong.""

I work for a Catholic university, but am not Catholic (or religious at all) myself. One of the big questions I asked when I interviewed for my position was whether their healthcare plan covered birth control. It was kind of awkward because I had to think of a way to ask that wasn't just me going "so are you guys going

**sorry I accidentally responded to the wrong thing and now can't seem to remove it from here** I work for a Catholic university, but am not Catholic (or religious at all) myself. One of the big questions I asked when I interviewed for my position was whether their healthcare plan covered birth control. It was kind of

I was SO SO SO upset for the dragons. Also she is making a big mistake, cause the dragons are going to remember that and it WILL bite her in the ass in the future.

I think in the show too there was a lot less ambiguity about their relationship. I feel like in the books there was always a question of whether she really loved him or was just using him, where as in the show they made it seem much more like a real two way relationship, or at least they didn't lay down as much

During the Brienne Hound fight my boyfriend kept shouting "NO! You're perfect for each other! Form a nuclear family!"

Don't get me wrong Sutton Foster looks fantastic, but she does NOT look 26. Furthermore the idea that a woman can't reinvent herself unless she's in her 20's (read young and hot) is really disturbing.

Nope, maybe this makes me an asshole, but 95% of the time if I'm traveling alone I just want people to leave me alone. I HATE when I'm reading, listening to my ipod, watching a movie, etc. on a plane and the person next to me tries to strike up a conversation.