
There’s some criticism that once Will shows up, Lyra becomes a secondary character in her own story. I hadn’t read it in a decade (until now), so I don’t remember if the criticism is justified or not.

“And perhaps the recent exertions had had some fallout on the nature of reality because, while they were eating, for the first time ever, a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square.”

You’re so oppressed.

Ewwwww, they used Papyrus on the call sheet!

Now playing

Wow, there is no energy in this. Just compare it to the animated version:

I haven’t been this angry at the series since Sansa’s wedding night in Season 5. They took all the goodwill they had built up over the last few episodes and flushed it down the toilet in the span of an hour, beginning with Dany getting ignored by pretty much everyone for Jon. I’ll power through the last two episodes,

[Editor’s Note: As of publication, James had not yet seen Endgame. Please do not spoil it for him, or other fans, in the comments. We’ve got a spoiler thread for that! - Jill P.]

Is the lone teenager standing next to Hawkeye’s family at Stark’s wake the potato gun kid in Ironman 3?

Yes! Maybe someone will make a play like that.

I don’t believe they exist.

THE RISE OF SKYWALKER?! If the Skywalker they’re talking about is Rey -- after they did the best thing they possibly could by freeing her of that shackle and making her her own character -- then I’m out.

What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?

Next you’ll be telling me that watery tarts lobbing weapons at you is no basis for a system of government.

I think I trust N.K. Jemisin on this one, bud. 

The characters don’t seem very expressive, I have to say. The same blank expressions on every one, every scene, except for Scar’s very mild emoting. Yeah, it’s realistic, but doesn’t change the fact that it makes connecting to the characters much harder than in traditional animation. 

My first reaction on both points.

Like the Waverider’s dishes that he loves to wash! 

Sara Lance is not that domestic. I am sure that she delegates laundry duties to some other team member, like Ray

I’ve always seen her more as the Beige Canary....

jesus, that’s a good idea.