
Maybe Eva Green was too obvious. 

Morticia is... lackluster and disappointing. There’s something about this that is falling very flat.

Last Jedi is the third best Star Wars Movie after Empire and Rogue One and anyone who disagrees can go straight to hell.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 dollars.  

leaving aside what that “Faux Trek” bs says about his personality, to kids the rebooted Trek films are the canon. i had an 8yo niece tell me that Star Trek 3 was her favorite so far, and I replied, “The Search for Spock? Really?” She had no clue.

Faux Trek

No one ever falls “IN”the Ankh-Morpork River. They fall “ON” the Ankh-Morpork River. Eventually they slide in with a “Gloop”.

funny how we don’t bat an eyelash when funding the military budget, even after increasing the cost year after year.

I am also a frequent NYC-DC train rider and I LOVE IT.

White House Communications Office?

My response was meant to be tongue-in-cheeky... not really a fan of hitting kids.

I wish more people would have your open-mindedness. I think The Last Jedi was a bit of a shock in that it went against so many Star Wars conventions, but if you’re mature enough to get over that, it stands up pretty damn well. I think in the long-run it will prove itself to be a far better film than its reception

What made you like the movie more after seeing it again that you didn’t see the first time?

Mostly exhausted at all of the entitled, “childhood ruined” whining.

Debates still come up here and there, but other than correctly clear misinterpretation or outright BS about the movie, I’ve mostly resorted to eye rolls at this point.

Regardless of how one feels about TLJ, I think we can all agree that KMT in no way deserved to be attacked the way she was. One can dislike a character without harassing their portrayer.

The Gamergate nerds certainly have had a lot to say about it...

It’s about time io9 finally started covering She-Ra!

No mention of the male pregnancy plot? Because honestly I enjoyed the hell out of that and thought it was one of the strongest elements of the episode. Fairly funny and provided some good moments for Ryan and Graham.

The Doctor didn’t kill the Pting, she fed it all the energy it needed and sent it on its way. That’s what being the Doctor is all about: solving problems not with bombs or bullets, but with brains and compassion.”

I felt that way with Season 10, which sucks because I loved Twelve and wanted to see how Bill did but I was all Moffated out. I didn’t even watch the season until a few weeks ago. But now I’m back to “must watch it ASAP.”

I know there are people who didn’t care for this episode, but I personally loved it; because it reaffirmed something I feel a lot of genre shows have forgotten: sci-fi isn’t just about doom and gloom. It’s also about hope, hope in a better future. Yes, there will always be villains, there will always be problems to