
A friend of mine used to pause the VCR and call his little sister in the room, promising that scene was over.

I never told anyone she sent me.

I had nightmares for years after that. It is by far the most frightening thing I saw as a kid.

She scared the living shit out of me. Every. Damn. Time.

There are millions of child-eating Americans who don’t care what the coastal elites think of their beliefs and lifestyles and just want to be left alone.

I for one am appalled by the continued censorship of pro-child eating viewpoints by the liberal media. Cannibalism is a complex issue, and the American people deserve to hear both sides.

I think you’re being too rash in your judgement here. Some of them cover themselves with jam, taunting us.

My Fellini Onesy is covered in jizz and is in the wash. Will my Kubrick slippers do?

I know the people who have seen it have said it’s great, but all the people in the comments who haven’t say it’s mediocre so I guess we’ll just have to see.

By and large, People against The Last Jedi are dumb. 

I feel like it’s the same people who don’t like Rey being Force sensitive and finding she has a near-instinctual power in the Force. Which is to say people who only think the Force should be for boys, not for yucky cootie girls.

It also needs to be red....

I was just scrolling down to find somewhere to comment that I love her haircut and for some reason it is pulling the whole look together.

Leia was a great character who never got to take center stage. I’d actually love to see a movie that centers on her. I mean, she was a snarky ex spy revolutionary princess who didn’t become a Jedi because she was afraid she’d turn out like her father.

That’s what I always say. Han Solo is a boring character. 99% of what’s interesting about him is Harrison Ford, and he’s not in this.

Also, considering the fan rift about The Last Jedi, half want the past to die while the other half want more nostalgia, but I imagine the former may have moved on from the old material, and the latter nostalgia folks are obviously unhappy with the current state. I can see many of them refusing to run back to the

Nine would like to have a word with you about less voluminous hair.

I’m not sure why you expect this to be good. It’s a prequel. A Star Wars prequel.

Seeing a lot Joel hate here. I actually think he’s a really well-developed character, first presented simply as a dick but then you find out there are actual deep reasons behind his behavior. His strong insecurities feel real and are common with men, especially those of us who fall in love with a woman they and/or

Also, Princess Mononoke.