
In silhouette it looks like a Rodent of Very Unusual Size. 

K, I admit, the Palpatine laugh lifted some neck hairs. I’m in. 

We can all agree that the wizard was a dum-dum, right? Like, the idea that you’ll suck children through an ice portal and yell mystic nonsense at them until they touch your stick is not a good strategy for identifying moral fiber?

If Ray washed that outfit it would be spotless and blinding. 

The Canary Who Really Needs To Learn About Her Washing Machine Settings

Fair, but I don’t think MORE obvious than Anjelica Huston. 

I appreciate the attempt to blend computer animated character models with the original Charles Addams designs, but I have to say I just find most of them unpleasant to look at. Also, this may be the first time I’ve ever thought that Charlize Theron was miscast. Was Eva Green busy?

Sadie Sink would make a good Ed.

Maybe Lee Pace for Vicious?

If you told me this trailer was an SNL digital short I would 100 percent believe you. 

The only long train ride I ever take is the car-to-rail from DC to Florida to visit the in-laws. A roomette for me and the husbeast plus putting our car on the train runs $1k, which is a savings over the cost of Christmas flights plus a week of car rental. We also get a steak dinner, complimentary wine and snacks, and

The only long train ride I ever take is the car-to-rail from DC to Florida to visit the in-laws. A roomette for me and the husbeast plus putting our car on the train runs $1k, which is a savings over the cost of Christmas flights plus a week of car rental. We also get a steak dinner, complimentary wine and snacks, and

So simple lyrics that truthfully excavate youthful emotion make a bad album? Bye, gotta throw out all my Beatles albums before 1966. 

Darn robots taking all our jobs. Now how will humans be able to make a living writing gibberish based on where the moon is?

Delightful news! I am excited for this to come back and perfectly happy they won’t retcon in He-Man. Only suggestion I have is to explain Greyskull in some way that doesn’t involve him, as it confused the heck out of the two non-OG-fans I showed it to.

Sorry, my bad! 

I’ve rarely heard “it’s not considered abuse in the eyes of the law” applied to behavior that wasn’t abusive.

Can we not do spanking-children jokes?

Yep. A big, beautiful wall that is remarkably ineffective at keeping bad guys out but spectacularly effective for complicating actual efforts to provide security.

I’m not sure the MOVIE changed; I think *I* did. Because I’m as much of an armchair script-doctor as the average overinvolved fan, the first watch-through I had my brain primed to critically deconstruct all the beats I thought the movie would take, and like a lot of the audience I was expecting a spiritual follow-up