I’m fairly certain her face doesn’t “relax” anymore.
I’m fairly certain her face doesn’t “relax” anymore.
I can’t imagine that Trump will appreciate the reminder that his wife was an adult woman in 1993.
I think this post would benefit from a bit of differentiation between general loan consolidation and student loan consolidation, which can actually lower your interest rates and greatly simplify things if you’re pursuing a hardship payment strategy.
Hmm, good point. Did not realize this. Rome is about the only exception that I can think of, and that show’s nearly 15 years old.
It’s all branding. The hair, the color, the silhouette - the point is to look as unmistakeably TRUMP as possible. You shouldn’t have to have your eyes on him for longer than a nanosecond to know who you’re looking at, and to (ideally, in his mind) associate that image with ideas like Wealth, Luxury, Power. He’s taught…
I’m sure it will look even better covered in 24k gold leaf.
Normally I’m fine with them but for some reason this one crawled under my skin like whoa. Only time in my adult(ish) life a movie kept me awake.
I could say, Bella Bella, or even wunderbar.
If you need a more brick-toned red, my favorite is Butter London’s Old Blighty. Gorgeous shade, goes with everything, feels like (duh) butter going on, and stays all day.
If you need a more brick-toned red, my favorite is Butter London’s Old Blighty. Gorgeous shade, goes with…
My theory about this is; no guy wants to be that guy who gets off and then immediately falls asleep. The ‘hey’ is a non-pushy opener for postcoital conversation that the woman can either pick up and run with or leave lying.
I read the book series based on really liking the show and this was such a strange moment. Even taken in its historical context, it seemed so wildly out of character for Ross. Not to mention, you know, awful.
But the truly bizarre thing was that, throughout the book series, I had been very pleasantly surprised and…
I go back on forth on how we would educate our potential offspring whenever the hubs and I discuss whether this is the year of kids. All your issues with public education I share.
My problems with homeschooling are as follows:
I’ve no idea if he’s even in the running, but if I were advising Hillary I’d have her pick my Congressman, Seth Moulton. His political star has been rising of late as he has become a vocal and respected critic of guns, and his criticisms have teeth because he’s a three-tour Marine who was also against the war (and…
We went with The Rainbow Connection. Short, sweet, easy tempo to dance to, and who doesn’t love Muppets?
Can someone please explain to me the sense of tyranny and moral outrage that accompanies the discussion of regular showering and hair washing in Internet comment forums? You’d think beginning the day by standing under a cascade of hot water and covering yourself with rich foamy bubbles was in some way unpleasant.
I say yes. Yes, please judge me. There’s no way in hell I’d want to get emotionally involved with someone who turned out to be a secret car douche.
Hmm...I wonder if 32 also correlates to the point at which salary ranges widen out based on negotiations. Entry level, it’s not like you have a lot to trade on.
BRB, changing my name to Naked Ire.
It’s like, you thought, “How could I, an annoying person, who is asking an obtuse and irrelevant rhetorical question, one which deflects attention from the obvious point the speaker was trying to make, make my remarks even more irritating, except by employing didactic and fatuous overuse of commas and then, when…