
Why doesn’t Kanye ever use his powers for good anymore? Remember that time he made George W. Bush famous after Katrina?

True story: Kate McKinnon is their missing link.

Whoa he looks just like her. It's uncanny.

Says the person mistaking themselves for E. E. Cummings.

1. have resting bitch face

Or he’s trying to make himself look bigger to more imposing predators.

FTR my theory is that his armpits chafe.

My dog is in the puppy ICU and there’s a 99% chance I’m calling in sick tomorrow.

Does Uber’s pine tree hanging from the rear view mirror smell like roses? Or poo-oo-oo-oo

Something that bothers me about all of the coverage of Daniel Holtzclaw is that I haven’t seen and heard enough about the gorgeous human being who brought him to justice: Jannie Ligons. I’ve endured every angle of Holtzclaw’s rage-y, deflated mug, and haven’t heard enough about the first police complaint, the first

God I miss family matters

My face as I thought too deeply about Larry and Hef in the mansion. It would be the old, pornman version of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?.

Bobby Kotb has nice ring to it. I doubt she’d go for Hoda Finger.

That's all you need. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to tweet at Alicia Florrick until she makes me her man-bride.

that’s all I’ve got

I’m sober as hell and I thought the same thing by the title.

Dorota. Or one of Blairs random minions. I just wanted someone to pop up and be all “I have been here literally the whole time you self absorbed fucks”


For some reason*, when I read the headline I was thinking some British teens made instagram accounts for the characters and I was like “omg I want to follow Blair on IG!” Really disappointed to find out this is not the case.

Total side note. But I hate that the show became about who gossip girl was. It didn’t matter. It never mattered. It was just a way in!