Sarah Swift

That's really interesting! So it's not just like a way to say motherfucker without the swear?

I think he's still pretty wooden- acting mostly with eyebrows and pursed lips.

Oh, but he's so much cuter without that weird fucking part in his hair…oh and without the murdery and tortury tendencies.

Well, at least you own it. And hey, she'd never age any hag it up like in the real world.

Truly, truly, you'd be an evil motherfucker, working for an evil organization and screwing an evil android, just as long as that android was hot. PRIORITIES, MAN!

No, you suck!

Pretty off topic but I have a cousin, a 30 year old man, named Taylor Swift. Good thing he's….let's just say sure of himself, cause he gets a lot of shit.


Yes, I love them too but did from the get-go so it's interesting to hear your perspective on them. But about the accents, I can see if they were faking them (or I guess they call that "acting") but I thought it was nice that TWO characters were allowed to have non-US accents when so many U.K. actors are forced to go

Just curious as to why you hated F/S? Too cutesy? Too British?

I thought the very same thing. But then I'm always amazed no one knows about DIRECT PRESSURE to STOP bleeding when they want to.

I'm assuming you mean "as quickly as possible"? Is that a thing? I've only ever seen ASAP but maybe AQAP is common someplace besides the US? Just curious.

Someone on Tumblr said she saw BJ Britt's name on IMDB in the stunt doubles list for the next episode. It's not there now, but I think it gives us a little hope for the Tripp comeback.

Wow, what an interesting and so specific way to describe that feeling that everyone around you is on glue or something cause you just don't get it. Yeah, Ward was so boring as a good guy and just lame as a bad guy he mostly acted through pursing his lips and he has those dead black shark eyes.