what what

I was thinking more along the lines of "Field Trip," which is underrated IMO. There's a literal magic (giant, deadly) mushroom in that one and Scully gets to be more or less right.

Difference between poetry sometimes and poetry all the damn time. Caliban is like the sidewalk charity worker of poetry. We get it. You like poetry and are tortured. Give it a rest.

I was surprised as well and then I was really, fucking pleased. It turns the tired stereotype of the beautiful, sweet-tempered, passive blind girl on its head in a way I found really satisfying. It also highlights John Clare's continual inability to interact with most women except as screens to project his own

That's always the problem when you're a Big Bad, no? That NPD will come and get you every time because on some level you're surrounding yourself with idiots ON PURPOSE.

Agreed. However, I don't get the impression that Hecate is supposed to be very good at Machiavellian scheming. I mean, she's pretty much in semi-open revolt against her mom.

Yeah, Paper Hearts was seriously great. It's one of the episodes where I have an extremely clear memory of watching when it first aired. Holds up really really well.

Agreed. He was brilliant in his guest spot as a seriously creepy serial killer on The X-Files way back when as well.