Sarah Sepanek

Damn hell ass kings!

He made sure everyone knew what he bought her. He also had her pic as his phone wallpaper and made sure everyone saw it. Her name's Julie, I'm sure you all can figure out which Playmate she was.

Yeah this guy was a piece of work. He likes to flex his modest profits by dropping lots of money on dinners and buying handbags for girls who merely tolerate him. It's kinda sad until he starts feeling entitled to pussy.

Or when Carter is paging Dr Gant and then realizes that he's the man who was on the gurney and he threw himself in front of a subway train. It's horrifying.

Someone in my Facebook feed linked the wiki for the guy who played Barney's FBI partner today. I was taken aback becaus I didn't recognize him and I thought I was a big My Blue Heaven fan. I totally did "you could melt all dis stuff" at the store last week.

If he can have visitors in heaven? Not sure about the sex offender rules there.

Always proud to see NE Ohio boys make good. They helmed the early 90s industrial revival featuring other Ohio rivetheads like Richard Patrick, Trent Reznor and Andy what's his name from Stabbing Westward. Creepy-ass lightning in a bottle, that was. Check out industrial supergroup Exotic Birds featuring those dudes.

Aside from the Big Three (Ministry, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM) you have your fronts: Front 242 and Frontline Assembly. Meat Beat Manifesto's Armed Audio Warfare is another great album. You can go in several different sub genres. It's such a big arena it's hard to get started most of the bands are the same dozen dudes.

Pigface's Gub is as stripped down as it gets, yet is complex. Albini's best.

If this is what it takes for the world to remember Siouxie did this before Karen O did, so be it.

I watch half an episode of Oz everyday on my lunch break on HBO Go. No one sits by me.

Eminem's rap career mirrors Jesse Pinkman's meth career.