You don’t need to defend Hitler, this isn’t the hill to die on.
You don’t need to defend Hitler, this isn’t the hill to die on.
These two were a couple of lawyers* who thought they were smarter than everyone else.
Or how about a GoFundMe page to raise money so Desiree can afford an attorney to sue this prick into the ground?
Exactly — I’ve never executed a DDOS attack before, but I’d be willing to join in with a little script that hammers away at this site to make it inaccessible.
Where is Chen and his hotline to Anonymous? Surely a DDOS attack can’t be hard to do to a site like this?
Or come on Anonymous, do one of those things you do that make people kind of like you for a minute.
Soooooo, who wants to e-stalk this dude and make a website?
True, but I'd bet the US still has at least a 2:1 asshole ratio over Canada.
how in the hell is he getting away with this if he actively said that he won’t stop until she kills herself?
This isn’t about their son. This about his feelings of control. Waah waah, I’m a giant baby and this woman won’t let me control her life!
For the majority of us who have been anticipating this film forever, we do not root for Ryan Reynolds, per se. We root for Deadpool, and accept Reynolds as a great choice for the character we know. And the movie looks VERY good, from a fan perspective.
If you don’t like him or his movies why not write an article about something you do like? Fans aren’t going to care and those that hate him aren’t going to see it anyway. Either you like him or you don’t.
To each their own. I like the idea of a super hero that’s in on the joke.
You forget...people aren’t going to this film to see Ryan Reynolds. They’re going because GODDAMN DEADPOOL MOVIE. And they’re hoping it makes up for how Deadpool was mishandled in the 2009 Wolverine flick.
How about because the movie looks like it might be fun?
The comments on her facebook page are sad as hell. “Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing,” and “You could have just left.” UGH.
God, the writers here can be so thin skinned.
Emadi was put on the human rights sanctions list by the European Court of Justice in 2013. The sanction was upheld in December 2015, meaning he’s unable to travel to Europe and any assets he has there have been frozen.