Oh yes she is.
Oh yes she is.
I’m sadly a former Portland resident but you HAVE to hit up Powell’s if you are at all a book perso . Thr help is hit or miss depending on the evening, but the selection is stellar. Mindblowing. Fantastic.
Mount Hood is also really pretty and you can go up there for a day drive.
Native here! I second the do-not-go-to-Voodoo anti-suggestion. If you’re a booze person, Distillery Row is worth a visit. We’re known for beer, but we also have local vodka, rum, brandy, whiskey, and even bourbon (yes, real legally-allowed-to-be-called bourbon because the process — the mash? — is started in Bourbon…
Maybe Marina is just playing with us.
I was there for a blink and you miss it trip for a wedding. The bride and groom were both from Oregon and are huge fans of their home state. It’s super green and the beaches are beautiful. I didn’t get to spend much time in Portland itself, but I enjoyed the parts of Salem that I saw.
I just came back from a vacation there! Try the Kennedy School Theater to see a movie. It’s a repurposed elementary school. It’s so cool.
All the beer. Drink ALL THE BEER. Oh also, Salt & Straw has amazing ice cream.
If you like books, go to Powells. If you like doughnuts do not go to Voodoo, which is fucking terrible, but go to Blue Star Bakery, and go early - when they sell out, they close. Their doughnut recipe is ... uh, that French butter bread one that I can’t think of the name of right now ... and it’s really good. Voodoo…
If I may humbly attempt to start a thread:
Yessss!!! Marina is fantastic.
Oh Madeleine, this is awesome. But now I have to admit it’s not just me, Cathy, coming home again, forever and ever on autoplay in the car. There are other options to let into my window.
If I may add:
this is all i’ve ever needed. this is all i’ve ever wanted.
Very Specific Playlists is a weekly feature in which Jezebel staffers make very specific Spotify playlists based on…
They are SO good! I found them because I used to watch Glee and wondered what AVPM stood for in relation to Darren on fanpages. I watched the first Potter, fell in love with the rest and have spent the last 3 years going to conventions to meet the Starkids.
When I read that column this morning, I was all “Oh, Jez just has to cover this!” And you did not disappoint. It’s even better than expected with the additional Friday version which I hadn’t seen. The Vows column has sure changed over the years when it used to be all Margaret (Muffy) Brown and Harlan (Shep) Pinkleton…
If you’re into nerdery, look up Starkid Potter on youtube. They put all their musicals on there and they’re all fantastic. I wouldn’t recommend watching them around children though, the language can be coarse.
It’s really wonderful to see MR getting the recognition he deserves. Intelligent and sensitive, he appeals on so many levels.
I did not respond to the last dude I was boning who I do not like as a human being even though I want contact with someone a lot. That’s my brag. I am getting better about standing up for myself in regards to relationships!