
Not his only war crime suggestion from Trump either! Kill the families of terrorists bc “they had to know!”

This shit was downright disqualifying in the saner (omg, it was actually saner) political worlds that the likes of W. and Romney and McCain occupied.

Now it’s (and I read this from a Trump supporter earlier on

To the fucking ground. He should be unable to recover from the burn. It should be total annihilation.

I heard someone, I think it was on the Vox podcast, say that Hillary has plenty of opposition research, and hasn’t really had to use any of it yet. Probably Pussygate is her doing, timed specifically to throw Trump’s debate prep off, but she almost certainly has worse stuff in the bag and is waiting for two weeks out

Would fly on an airplane that had a 90% chance of landing?

Summarizing the reasons provided above for why this makes sense as “not liking him” is reductive bullshit. Those are facts, not feelings.

How has this not happened already?!?

Agree- 100%.

My work had dealings with Trump in the early 2000's and I dug as deep into any files I could access for dirt knowing that I would be fired if caught. Nothing I found wasn’t already public, but if I’d found something incriminating I would happy lose my job if that is what it took to stop him.