Girl Scout cookies *do* suck, and they're also overpriced. I love chocolate and mint, but Thin Mints taste like cardboard chips covered in orthodontic wax.
Girl Scout cookies *do* suck, and they're also overpriced. I love chocolate and mint, but Thin Mints taste like cardboard chips covered in orthodontic wax.
It's usually pretty good! I guess he was trying for a Texas accent, because Alex Jones is a Texan? And uh, failing pretty badly. Stick with the no accent American accent, Jake.
I find him to be technically attractive but with zero charisma. He's like a cardboard cutout of a handsome dude.
LOL you believe in "no-go zones". Just save us all some time and tattoo I AM A FUCKING IDIOT on your forehead.
Disclosure has aged even more badly than this movie, and not just because of the ridiculous VR rigs and cinderblock-sized cell phones.
I never have a problem. There's a technique, so you may need to learn it/work on it. I can even take out the tails in a way that leaves the "vein" in the shell and not on the meat, but I'm half Cajun. It's in my DNA.
I live in south Louisiana, our protein options are a little more varied here (crawfish, frog legs, turtle soup is still a thing here). Lots of places serve plates of fried chicken livers, too—one of my favorite places for brunch in New Orleans tosses them with house-made pepper jelly, I could eat those until I bust.
Corn smut.
Re-reading Elizabeth Hand’s Cass Neary trilogy (crime fiction). It’s awesome to read fiction with a female protagonist (or maybe anti-hero is more accurate) who isn’t some dewy-faced 20-something whose biggest dilemma is choosing between two men. Neary is in her 40s, an alcoholic, and kind of a nihilistic piece of…
Goya has a Cola Champagne that is a more traditional cream soda color, maybe slightly oranger. A Salvadoran co-worker introduced me to it years ago when I still lived in California, and a couple of years ago my local Rouse's here in south Louisiana started to carry it in the Hispanic products aisle—they'd had Mexican…
So does Misery, so while I'm interested in the show it did kind of seem like they were just throwing around random names from Stephen King's oeuvre (granted, like 98% of it takes place in Maine).
Something's missing, all right. *angry swig of wine* I hope Grace Zabriskie knows she is not allowed to die and has to live forever.
I don't hate it as much as a lot of other people seem to. And I'm even a fan of Hellblazer! The worst thing I can say about it is that Stormare should have been in more of it, but he certainly made his limited scene memorable. He's one of my favorite cinematic Satans.
There's literally nothing in the review complaining about "whitewashing".
Sounds like it would pair well with the John Wayne version of Genghis Khan, and also some really good marijuana.
Did The Young Pope improve after the pilot? I watched it and went away thinking that if I wanted to watch a soulless neophyte acting like an asshole to everyone around him, I could probably just turn on CNN. Also, the obviously fake mole on that one Cardinal's cheek bugged the shit out of me.
That was kind of my reaction when HBO first starting showing the previews. My capacity for this genre is not very big and it overflowed a while back. Pass.
That, and reducing black men to a sexual fetish—he never talks about the black men whose cocks he allegedly loves like they're PEOPLE—is pretty much just hoary old slavery-era racism given a gay twist. When my tinfoil hat gets too tight, I sometimes wonder if Milo is even really gay, or actually has sex with black men.
Bill Maher is a liberal Useful Idiot and Yiannopoulos is a poisonous little troll. Giving him airtime is like feeding caviar to a cockroach. I'll skip it, thanks. It's not like he ever says anything remotely original or thought-provoking, he's just regurgitating intellectually void hate speech to get clicks, with the…
None of the 4 leads looked even remotely high school-aged, it was kind of funny.