
Disillusionment in the Dems should move us to the left, not the right. That’s what really upsets me about black people acting like right wing tokens for these conservative media outlets/think tanks saying “Dems don’t care about you!” is that thought provoking. There are plenty of fair critiques to be made about Dems

Those are witches

I hope it is! Fuck all of these people with the world’s biggest and rustiest nail.

Ah, the whole “Separate But Equal” argument. Got it.

You should’ve thrown this shitfit years ago, when Missy was introduced. Now it’s too late, and you look like a fucking idiot.

Just out of curiosity, when you posted this comment, were you aware that it’s an established part of the show’s universe that Time Lords sometimes change gender when they regenerate? (I’m asking you and not your troll persona, I’m curious whether the apparent ignorance here is an intentional part of the trolling or

Can you please explain to us women which part of Doctor Who has designated that it should be a male doctor? They’re not recasting Napoleon as a woman, they’re recasting a fake character in a pretend TV show. Get a grip. There already is a male fucking everything.

The commitment to this thread is the stuff dreams are made of. Well done to the both of you!

Meanwhile, after dying of toxoplasmosis, Tommy was transported back in time to Rome in the First Century BCE, where he became a Centurion in the Legio XIIIth Claudia, before ultimately rising to the office of Prefect.

Well, originally he decided he was cleaning up and moving on, going straight and choosing life. He was looking forward to it already. He was gonna be just like you. The job, the family, the fucking big television. The washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electric tin opener, good health, low cholesterol,

Being that I don’t mind spoilers, in Trainspotting 2: Drunken Scottish Gibberish Bugaloo, does Renton choose life?