Sarah Jane

This is the only logical solution. It sucks, but it is. But we are ALL predicting it, which makes me think it's going to be something different and anger inducing. I can't think of anything that I would be okay with rather than her leaving and being compelled. Besides her staying with Damon forever and ever and ever.

I'm liking the whole Bonnie growing into herself and not taking punches like she usually does thing she has going. She actually was super terrifying and awesome in that scene with Kai in the woods, but bringing the cure back made everything bad again. Ugh. Poor Bonnie. Always the worst.

I am disappointed that the stupid cure made a comeback. I rather disliked that story line, and I was glad it was gone. This whole thing seems like a cop out to me. So now is everyone going to freak about Elena taking the cure again? Sigh.