
I saw it in theaters as well and I remember really enjoying it.

Which is interesting, because that means that Milan was basically the Pierre of 35 years ago. Except that Milan ended up drawing a different conclusion, that death is pointless. Pierre reached the opposite conclusion, and chose ot kill himself. But they both had essentially the same role in their respective times

I actually hope there isn't a third season. I loved the way they ended things. Maybe the episode wasn't perfect but the emotional beats were. I think it would be a shame to explore it further. Leave it be, they left it at the perfect place.

Yup, it was heartbreaking and I absolutely LOVE the way Raquel says to Josh that he was molested. I don't remember the exact words but it was something like, "Honey, you were molested and you've never dealt with it" or something like that, but the way she says it is so tender and so full of love and support…it was

As someone who struggled with the interlocking of my sexuality and gender for a long time when I was younger (but not anymore) and is now transitioning and is, always was, and always will be, a woman, I don't appreciate having my identity invalidated.


It's a "condition" that has been used to discredit and invalidate trans identities for a long time. The fact that it's being used here, by a trans person, no less, is hurtful to read and it's hurtful to the community to spread disinformation like this.

Obnoxiously wrong and invalidating (and as a trans woman, I can tell you I certainly didn't appreciate reading that this morning).

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and completely disagree with the assertion that Maura is/was an autogynephile. There are a lot- and I do mean a LOT- of trans people who go through this stage (myself included). I can't tell you how many trans people I've seen come to the community (through message boards, etc.) TERRIFIED