Sarah Goodwich

There's really nothing funny about an argument where everyone just winds up screaming at each other at the top of their voices, and then the scene (or episode) closes by cutting in that stupid tuba-music "BUM-BUM-BUM" and the rest of the theme-tune.
The truly annoying thing, is that while this is the typical end of

The question is why anyone would like Cook enough in the first place to note only his misogyny vs. his abundance of other mediocre qualities.

If the men got laid a lot then they'd have no room to talk.
More like Churchill buying sex from an upper-class woman for $10,000 and then changed it to five, and when she says "what do you TAKE me for?" he responds "we've established that, now we're just haggling."

You overestimate Cook's charisma.
Men who are drowning in pussy DON'T make fun of women, because they can choose only the best; it's men who either can't get it, or object to women on principle who have the most contempt.

If any of Cook's women-stories are from real life, it's clear that he's picking them out of some sort of psychotic pattern he's got.

Cook is passive-aggressive hostile toward lots of people, like the time he said "ohmigod, I saw something I always wanted to see— someone got hit by a car!"
Uh, you ALWAYS WANTED to see that? Say WHA? How about a brutal human sacrifice while you're at it?
It's bad enough that he stole the joke from Louis CK, but

So THAT'S why some guys like fat chicks… I never understood it myself, i.e. they're an easy target for a harpoon OR an insult. I guess I just never wanted to play Queequeg.

Gesticulation? More like tetany from drug-withdrawal, and DT's trying to scrape the imaginary bugs off of himself.
That's what it looks like.

Why ELSE would men watch him?

Nah, he just shops his T-shirts from the children's section at the nearest Salvation Army, they give discounts to "special" people.

Yes, which means that he'll be taken by a gold-digger— another Robin Williams, who Cook has also tried to copy with ony marginal success. As with others he copycats, Cook is a limited intellect attention-whore, while Williams was conflicted genius… at least in comparison to Cook, whose only conflict is his messed-up

The "chipmunk face" is from Down Syndrome, which he desperately tries to hide. ALVIN!

Dane Cook doesn't scream; that's Sam Kinneson, who he has fortunately not copied….yet. Cook SPLUTTERS into the mic like the Down Syndrome autistic child that he is. And some people think that's funny, like they also do with Down Syndrome autistic children.

I think most will agree that Dane Cook has some form of Down Syndrome and/or autism; he has the look and behavior of those disorders; his expression, grossly swollen jaw, blank, offset eyes and tone-deaf speech-defect, as well as his overall ADHD manner, render this beyond all doubt.

Don't call people niggers.

There's no such thing as too old to be ANYONE'S dad.

I hate credits. As if we care.

Gee, "loser makes rich guy mad and gets sued." Never seen that one before.

This is a good look at how women enable and encourage violence, as Louie's date emotionally caused the real injury here by her reaction to how he avoided violence, while Louie pretty much didn't seem to consider it to be that big a deal.
And Louie basically tells her that her behavior is what causes violence in