
I like the idea of show-Theon developing a longer plan. It's narratively useless for him to be the story's constant shit magnet; I've pitied him in both media because he never got a fair shake from anyone - who wouldn't be an asshole under his circumstances? The confounding thing is how he didn't end up being a much

What was conveyed very well in the books was that Theon (even before Ramsay started with him) wasn't the sort of character to place anything above the importance of survival - not making him selfish, just unevolved and weak-willed. As Isaiah says below, the visual medium changes a lot, and Alfie Allen finally has some

What I don't understand is what Theon is holding onto now. He's obviously repentant, and obviously wants to tell Sansa there's a chance her brothers are still alive. More to the point, what she's being put through now seems to be eclipsing Ramsay's treatment of him as torture for him. I suppose the books sold his