
good post!

60 points and a go-ahead basket to win the game. What a way to go out. Used to spend some late nights watching his YouTube highlight mixes so i can try to emulate his moves and plays. He has been a huge inspiration. Was a ride or die Kobe fan despite receiving so much crap for that. His tenacity, work ethic and

60 points and a go-ahead basket to win the game. What a way to go out. Used to spend some late nights watching his YouTube highlight mixes so i can try to emulate his moves and plays. He has been a huge inspiration. Was a ride or die Kobe fan despite receiving so much crap for that. His tenacity, work ethic and

When kobe beat the celtics in the finals in 08 and 10 it motivated me to go on the 3 week regime,, and lost 30 pounds going from 148-118. Even though his career is coming to an end, I will remember the impact that kobe had on me from an personal level. Thanks

Sounds risky and not a smart individual. Before I married my wife, I told her I lose 40 pounds. I went on the 3 week regime,, and lost 45 pounds in 6 months. Now we are happily married and I proved to her that I am reliable and a man of my word.

Recently went from 210-175 pounds with the 3 week regime, Obesity is definitely an issue because junk food is much more easier to access then before. Kids need to be taught about healthy eating at a much younger age!