Sarah Dompkowski

I used to be scared of clowns, then I worked on a movie with an entire cast of clowns. I was on the makeup team. If you're the one putting on their "face," the clown isn't scary anymore!
Not exactly something everyone can try, but it did help me get through two weeks surrounded by hordes of clowns. Maybe this

I like the theory that maybe Lila's not dead, only missing. After all, we haven't seen whose body was actually in the tank, just that it was a white girl.

That's a cool theory but it's not true.
I had to look up screenshots but yeah, not the same girl. Their faces are different. They have two different actresses: Rebecca is played by Katie Findley, Lila is played by Megan West.

Ooooooo! Now that's a cool idea!
I don't think that's where this show is going at all, but I hope someone else runs with that idea someday!

Eh, she was using hunky detective for the case, and also he's married and his wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. Pretty nasty behavior. There's more going on there.
If she's just sleeping with hunky detective because she's not into her boring husband anymore, ok, but that's not a very high-drama reason to be

I like that theory!

Well Revenge's thing is that we see a body, but not the face, we don't know who dies in the first episode, just that there's a death. And it's usually a bait-and-switch (a different white brunet guy in a tux on the beach in season 1, a different person under water with the boat in season 2.) We know someone will die,

I thought for sure he would be the body, since he wasn't helping bury the body …

"… especially because here are three separate murders dealt with in the pilot, and none seems to have anything to do with one another other than relating in some way to Annalise—either professionally or personally."
Really? What about that line towards the end "I bet you the boyfriend did it" where Annalise looks

Beverly Katz was very much alive and well in the books.
Abigail was likely alive too, in Red Dragon Will mentions having met with her years previously, after the case was closed.

I have no idea what water filters or tumblr have to do with this. Have I missed something?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Oh my god me too.
Joss Carter flashbacks all over this. Seems only yesterday I was mourning a WOC investigator who was brutally killed just to motivate the white male protagonist. Auuuuggh.

So, classic Women in Refrigerators it is, then. Great.
Why, Bryan Fuller, why? You were so good. Why you gotta be so lazy and gross? This show was so good, you didn't need to pull "kill woman for shock value" you didn't need to pull "kill woman to motivate male protagonists with her gruesome death." You didn't need to

I just read the interview and I'm livid.
It's Women in Refrigerators. She's been killed to cause angst to the male protagonists, her death will motivate them, it's about shock value and reducing her to an object that has been "lost" to the men.
It's lazy and insulting.

I'm not so sure she's dead.
Captured, incapacitated, but dead? I don't think so. If she's dead, that'd make 2 female investigators who've figured out Hannibal's secret and then been killed, or 3 women who've figured him out and been put in danger because of it (counting Bedelia). That's not a good track record for a

What do you mean, "gay readers?" Do you know how popular slash fiction is with straight girls? Especially hot Sherlock and Watson action? You could fill the Mariana Trench with all the fanfic that's been written about those two!
I don't know why they're writing books of that, you can just google "BBC Sherlock Kink

What do you mean, "gay readers?" Do you know how popular slash fiction is with straight girls? Especially hot Sherlock and Watson action? You could fill the Mariana Trench with all the fanfic that's been written about those two!
I don't know why they're writing books of that, you can just google "BBC Sherlock Kink