
There should be a law that prevents parents from taking money in exchange for not pressing charges when, you know, the most famous person on Earth sucks their kids dick.

More pointedly, it’s quite a tell when Trump interprets “choose love over hate” as an attack on himself.

It’s really fascinating what qualifies as racist now.

The most dangerous evil that people like this perpetrate, isn’t the actual criminal behavior itself, but the desire it provokes in otherwise good people enraged by that behavior to become evil themselves in response.

That is a terribly drawn caricature and Ben Garrison is a horrible artist and is very bad at social commentary and the “jokes” in that panel are bad and not funny and he should feel bad for creating such awful bad not very good work.

Here’s my Siberian Husky buddy, Linux. He’s 5. Finally learned that naps are pretty cool. He’s a good boy with bad habits that stem from my boyfriend having acquired him while living with 5 other early-twenties dudes who had ZERO interest in enforcing training rules (like no human food for the doggy). Now we just have

So this guy fakes his assault, and your response is to lecture progressives on being more skeptical of victims alleging crimes? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Weinstein, Cosby, Spacey, Nassar, no fakers found there. I think you need to get off your high horse and understand that the exception does not make the

Victims’ accusations must be treated seriously and investigated to fullest extent, but accusations should never be automatically believed.

Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape

“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” As facts emerge, sometimes, so does skepticism, but if you first reaction is to say, “well, he might have been making

Something like 40% of Americans have decided not to care, but Cohen’s testimony won’t change that.

I think you’re missing what’s actually happening here … it’s Thanksgiving dinner, right?

A United States Coast Guard lieutenant arrested on drug and weapons charges also had a hit list of Democratic politicians and news personalities he wanted to kill. The FBI arrested Christopher Paul Hasson, a self-described white nationalist who, according to court documents, advocated the use of violence to

How long will it take to undo the damage these disgusting people have done to our country? The discord they’ve sown here and with our allies, the tax “cuts”, the Supreme Court...This is so fucked.

i am not sure why you are being so generous in your comments. Your point is totally valid-not all men are trash, not at all. Looking for people on this site to validate your idea that not all men are trash is pointless and a waste of your time. You sound like a decent person who somehow managed to entertain comments

Not all of us. You can paint us all with the same reductive brush but some, maybe not most, but some of us are truly good people, or at least try to be. Some of us were raised right and respect all women not just our mothers. Some of are disturbed, appalled, angry, outraged by this as much as you are. Some of us have

Years ago, the Ruthless Right discovered that the Constitution protected speech broadly and political speech even more broadly. Exploiting that cover has made lying and hate-speech the lifeblood of many who profit from spreading hate. There are limits, though, to that Constitutional protection. I am glad that the

Really? You’re pulling out the “white people suffer from racism too!” card? I can only reiterate my last post... privilege: you don’t get it.

Why is it that Hollywood feels they have to remake foreign movies, before the American audience will watch them? Is the joke I heard once true, that Americans can’t read fast enough to read subtitles to non-English movies?