
they don’t have to try at all. they could put on clown clothes and make up and fail at juggling the entire time. i hate this simulation.

I have a friend from Arkansas, and I think even he’d say Fucking Arkansas.

For those attracted like a moth to a flickering light to the nightmare that is the American democratic process, which allows for both sides to speak as if they were at a college debate tournament, paying attention to the words coming out of these people’s mouths quickly becomes tiresome.

According to Carone’s Wednesday night testimony her life has been “destroyed” by speaking out. “My life has been completely destroyed because of this,”

Humpty-Trumpty sat on his cart, eating his KFC

If you watched it, kudos. You are my hero. I can’t watch a single second of anything he says because he’s a joke. Every single word string together is a lie. Every “supportive” thing he says represent evil. If he does speak the “truth”, it still lies for the rest of us.

It’s pathetic, and it made me cringe with embarrassment when I saw the video, too. I sort of imagine this guy rehearsing his whole “I’m too busy and important to discuss this further” schtick ahead of time, à la Michael and Dwight from The Office rehearsing Michael’s bumbling press conference apology.

There’s just still that deep fear that you’re gonna wake up and find out that suddenly out of nowhere it all went Waddles’ way again. The country will never survive four more years of his gassy inept blubbering and the endless schemes, scams and cons. I mean look at him, listen to him, he’s not even a normal human

The GOP has massive amounts of evidence of voter and election fraud based on a collection of tweets and Facebook posts.

The mask pulled down to his chin is what really puts it over the top.

She’s admitting that previous to Trump she freely supported the party that is against LGBT rights, civil rights, the rights of women; and for war, for pollution, and for helping the rich as much as possible.

With any luck, he gets his height from his mom’s former personal trainer.

9/10 barf for the disingenuous defense that ACB “didn’t mean to offend.” It’s not offensive, sweetie, it’s straight up evil to deny people their rights.

Being an internet racist troll isn’t a good look, but yet here you are.

I find it interesting that he goes after her being a mother when his party is fawning all over Coney Barrett for the same thing right now during the hearings.

What SJWs? It’s a totally meaningless concept used by weirdos as a scapegoat. In fact, I haven’t even seen it used as much since all the weirdos just started calling everyone ANTIFA. This is just as weird as calling yourself “liberal.”