
I completely agree with what you’re saying, though I would like to mention that persona 5 managed to do pretty well with the traditional turn based JRPG battle system.

Personally, I think Trump would be closer to Dudley - Draco was vicious and spoilt, but not entirely stupid. Dudley was all three of those things.

There’s no way it’ll be a 1TB SSD like some of the commenters are suggesing. In fact I seriously doubt it’ll be any more than 128gb (perhaps even 32/64 in a cheaper model). I suspect there would then be a standard platter HD alongside this (ideally 1TB in size). Games would then be stored on the standard platter, with

I love how this person called you childish, while being completely childish in the phrasing and opinion of their own post.

Thanks for saying this. I wish more people had your opinion about it, instead of all this junk blaming her parents and the doctors.

Thanks for sharing. A post like that deserves so many more stars than have been given. Sadly far too many people have an unfair stigma of anything positive said about those two substances. It’s a great shame because they truly do have such great potential, particularly the former. Just look at the medical studies

Such behaviour is completely unacceptable for anyone holding a high level political position, let alone the position of president itself, and there really should be some serious repercussions for such a blatant disregard of the expected behaviour one should display in this situation.

This is an important first step, but still a long way from being able to buy them over the counter like you used to be able to in the netherlands. Also, for those that haven’t tried them before, keep in mind that the effects can be much much stronger than the other plant you recently legalized (in fact its chemical

I’d have to agree with you about video games - especially the most modern, high-tech ones, being a negative to a childs imagination. Older games, like the ones I was exposed to as a child in the late 80's / early 90's were more conducive to imagination as they were extremely limited in what they displayed. An entire

I suspect it’s likely, though not specifically because of Trump. The amount of sightings has always correlated with the prevalence of UFO’s in the culture (through television shows / movies etc). In countries that lack fictional stories about aliens, there’s basically no reported sightings.

Most likely explanation: they’re some type of drone, either piloted remotely or autonomously. A single drone with a light on each of the four rotors, seen at night, could easily be mistaken for something “alien”, especially given how quickly they can start / stop / change direction in midair.

It's refreshing to see atleast one person acknowledge the reality of the situation. I'm sure that in the future the history books will show her as nothing less than a hero of her time, who basically sacrificed everything for the truth to be exposed about the war.

I always find myself taken aback at the sheer hatred americans have for Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange. The rest of the world is more or less unanimous in recognizing the significance of these two courageous individuals, and the importance of their actions in exposing atrocities committed by governments and the

What an eclectic mixture of the unhinged, derranged, psychotic, paranoid and the ignorant brought together for that pizzagate rally. It still boggles my mind that people can actually believe pizzagate was real and not see it for the easily disproven russian / republican backed misinformation that it is.

I’m curious what made Borat a bad choice for you. I can’t think of anything in that film that I would feel awkward showing my parents. 

I really cannot fathom how thin skinned these right wing fanatics are. They’ll say the most vile things to anyone of differing political ideals, but at the same time completely break down at the tiniest bit of criticism (which is almost always totally justifiable) when directed at them.

For the life of me, I’ll never understand the appeal of this show. I just find her completely insufferable. Not to mention that emotion seems to dictate her decisions, rather than logic, which is the last thing you’d presumably want in a judge.

Yes - she was right. Her brother was a pedophile. I can only imagine what kind of cash incentive she must have been given to make her try and take back the claims in later years.

I had much the same thoughts when reading that - so the WP checks the facts of democrats (confirming their validity) while exposing the fake facts by repugs. Ofcourse, your analysis is far more succinct (and in retrospect more obvious) - there is no such thing as a fake fact.

Racist scumbags like this guy are so thin skinned. You’d think that, after being on the recieving end of comments made towards them which make them feel uncomfortable (despite in this case being completely justified) that they would reflect on their own behaviour and realize that “oh, it’s actually really unpleasant