
You might enjoy “a night to remember” more. It’s a 50's titanic film which is basically JC’s titanic without the love story.

I don’t really care for the storyline, I just love the time period and all the sets, props and costumes used to convey it. It must have been such a fascinating time to be alive back then. I mean a mere fifty years earlier, everyone used horses as transport, buildings would barely exceed 6 floors, the largest ship

In all seriousness, the amount of celebrating that gets done on the day that happens will be so widespread that I wouldn’t be surprised if it became an internationally observed public holiday.

I don’t even read his tweets anymore because I know it’ll just upset me. So instead I do the quickest, briefest skim read possible - picking 3-4 words per tweet. You still get the same gist of what he’s saying, with the satisfaction of not having just destroyed a bunch of neurons trying to parse the garbage word salad

I too never realized how good we have it here in Australia until I started reading this site. Or rather, how comparitively bad Americans have it, since a public healthcare system isn’t exactly strictly limited to Australia.

Better yet, remove the cone of silence, then attach the cone of shame. That way, his conversations will not only remain where they belong - heard by him and no one else, he also won’t be able to pull out stitches, scratch inflamed skin, or lick his genitals and butthole.

Thanks for the kind words :) I guess it’s pretty obvious I chose this name in the height of the Obama era.

The brightness on my phone is really low, and it’s making it look like trump is tucking into a big fat dump. Literally. And by dump I mean a piece of shit, fully demonstrating the old adage of “you are what you eat”.

Thank you :) I really needed that laugh. In these shitty times, I can’t even remember the last time I actually laughed about something.

Totally agree - for him to just die, even if it is painful, doesn’t seem a just punishment. It’s letting him off the hook way too easy.

While I think it would be extremely beneficial to have him out of his position ASAP, (and in answer to your question, I bet he *would* accept such a deal) I don’t really like the idea of him being rewarded with a billion dollars for being an evil, unethical monster. Even though it will take longer and undoubtedly ruin

Yeah, honestly I think giving someone a substance without them knowing is about one of the lowest things you can do. If someone knowingly wants to put a drug in their body then I have no problem with that (it’s their body, they should have the right to do whatever they want to it, even if it’s going to have

I feel stupid for asking this but what is the typo? Bringing seems right...

Are you serious? You can’t be, can you? There’s so many examples of racist things said - like all mexicans are rapists - that if I had the will to record them all they probably wouldn’t fit in this post.

Agreed except for the opiods part - they’re already demonized far more than is true, and knowing some long term users for chronic pain, they’d all be quite offended to be lumped with trump supporters.

He can’t keep getting away with this. HE CAN’T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS! :@ >. <

Slight typo - I meant to say unit 731 not camp 22 in the second part of my post (which isn’t showing up for some reason) but either way the warning against looking them up still stands.

For the record, the Buddhist symbol looks similar to the swastika, but the directions on the points are actually reversed, so it’s not exactly the same. Still, I think this does cause some confusion in Asia where people are less likely to associate it with Nazi-ism than being a religious symbol (albeit not realizing

Ah okay. Thanks for the explanation!