
I’m hoping it’s Kirk’s or something, to shake things up.

Happened to me with my then boyfriend, now husband of 11 years - athletic sex, active thrust, came out a little farther than he expected and the angle changed ever so slightly... hello! It can happen.

I always mis-read her name as “Irina Shark.”

You’re going to get a lot of snide responses but...

They seem to come out over holidays and the summer, which makes me think they’re teenagers and people in their early 20s.

I missed the days when the biggest controversy surrounding an Obama appointment is a deceptively edited video of that person’s speech published by Breitbart.

Since you’re trolling up and down this thread, hey TomatoFace.

No, I actually NEED there to be a Pink Lemonade.

“They die in the street, hopefully not before finding Jesus first. Next question.”

Also, not going bankrupt from medical bills. #MAGA

Fine they can put in legislation that basically bans abortions and defund PP.

Some people get their ultrasounds put on a fucking coffee mug. I don’t understand humans.

“Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc, now!”

I doubt that any of these artists have long, multi-year contracts for Coachella.

I agree with you to some extent, by honestly someone of Beyoncé’s wealth and popularity could probably afford to back out of the festival and honestly should.


Let’s be honest. Most Coachella attendees (and people in general) are only as socially-compassionate as is convenient to them or as their public guilt allows. I know people who go to Coachella every year and while I think they’re “nice” people (in the sense that they aren’t blatantly awful), they don’t strike me as

Also, I don’t think it’s necessarily worth sticking it to the musicians on this year’s lineup, who 1. likely do not have dealings with Anschutz and 2. have certainly signed their contracts long ago, the violation of which would likely lead to legal ramifications. Don’t go vilifying Beyoncé or Kendrick or Lorde etc,