
This is lovely. And extra close to my heart.

Did you notice the ‘Eat Whoever You Want’ part of the cover?

I think the seafood thing is about heavy metals, not risk of food poisoning. Salmon is okay to eat 12 oz. a week of, but some species like snapper and mackerel are too high in mercury to eat when pregnant.

most of the cheese in the us market is pasteurized. this includes feta, gorgonzola, brie etc. especially if its amreican made. basically if its made in the USA its fine, the worry for listeria are european imports b/c they don’t pasteurize milk as standard practice.

can you just let us have this tiny jot of cuteness in a morass of 2016 suckitude, jfc

I’m always super impressed when animals start walking around right after being born. I had to drag my kids asses around for, like, a year before they learned to do that. Wait, are we on the wrong end of evolution? That would explain a lot.


The DNA was probably from whatever Boulder Police personnel that was testing it, because they are on a near perfect streak of fucking up every step of the investigation.

Yes...possibly. As one investigator pointed out, the presence of DNA in and of itself doesn’t include or exclude anyone until it is identified. What is as important is how the DNA got there in the first place. Is it from semen? Or blood? Or indeterminate origins? More to the point, did it get there as a result

For experts not on Ramsey payroll, the leading theory regarding the male DNA is that it was transferred during the manufacturing process and is not at all related to her murder.

That settles it then.

ESPECIALLY when compared to Michelle Obama! Our current FLOTUS exudes genuine grace and compassion. Melania looks like the kind of person who tries to get the coat check person at a country club fired for “taking too long”.

Oh, here’s where some of them went.

I am so emotionally drained you guys.

Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.

He’s a 7 year old playground bully.

Hillary didn’t fucking fail. She beat Trump by nearly three million votes.

We only hire people who just took the job to support their coke habit.

Carrie Fisher is a phenomenal writer. I read Postcards from the Edge and Surrender the Pink and Delusions of Grandma as a teen and more than many things (and I read a lot of things), they made me feel a lot less alone. People have been such dickheads to her of late because she dared to age past 19 and yet she is still