
Ummm I want to know how you did this because my wedding is in three weeks and I need this. Thanks

I was 12. I had this tube top thing (it was 2001 lol) and I wore it that summer. I just remember liking it because it was comfortable, cute, and blue. But a boy in my neighborhood “noticed” and wouldn’t stop looking at me or leave me alone whenever he saw me. I felt so uncomfortable and ashamed that I would literally

Or what about when the male bartender asks if I’m “really sure” I will like that IPA I just fucking ordered. Yes. Yes I will.

YES. We are buying almost 1000 flowers from a local farmer for like, $700. This amount of flowers, with some of the arrangements we're planning could EASILY cost $5k for a florist to do for us. It helps that my mom's friend who has previously worked for a florist is spearheading this project, though.

Well...Uhhh, I'm getting married in two months. I'm 25, and...I'm definitely going to have some flowers and shit in my hair. And...we individualized a ton of things (my friend is DJing, my dad brewed lavender mead for our toast, we have a local/organic caterer, and my brother is hand making chocolate truffles for the

This KEEPS HAPPENING. Single friends wanting to bring a date (who I don't know), recently coupled up friends wanting to bring their new bf/gf that I've never met at my 100 person (haaaard limit) wedding. My mom wanting to add 6 more friends after we've had the guest list finalized for months, my fiance's grandmother

My best friend and I made up this very simple, very effective drinking game: take a shot every time a girl cries. We aged out of this one a couple years ago...but it really did the trick for me when I was 22 :)

So I know you said that this article wasn't for people who had a stress free dress shopping experience...but I just really need to plug the store I went to, because my experience was that awesome (and I had been dreading it for months). wedding diet for me. Fuck that.

If the fibroid is inside your uterus see if they can do the surgery using a incisions, they go right through your cervix. I just had this done about a month ago—same thing, golf ball sized fibroid making me sterile (basically acting as an IUD), and I was in and out of the hospital in 5 hours, no pain, was

I have a male gynecologist for the first time ever, and...I basically love him. He performed my fibroid surgery earlier this summer so not only do I like his personality, but he helped me stop bleeding and being in pain all the time. He's kind of like a really nice older dad type who put his hand on my foot to comfort

Ask your doctor for pain meds! Seriously! I can also watch my lower stomach contract and it feels like a knife stabbing me repeatedly in that area, plus bonus stabbing in my vagina and thighs (the pain radiates). Turns out I really *was* having uterine contractions because my uterus is trying to push out a 2cm

All of the tattoo'd models look like the bartender/sociopath that I used to date in college! He had a stick-and-poke tattoo of a lunchbox on his leg.

I had two IUDs expel. The first time it was the worst pain I had ever felt up to that point (I recently pulverized my finger in a blender, which was worse). The second time it was hanging out in my cervix for...a while? Not sure how long, but if you've ever had cervix pain you know it can be blackout inducing. Looking

Yep this happened to me. I thought I was dying.

My mother did two VBACs at home with a trained midwife and assistant. It can be done!

You're really surprised? I'm not. As an alum I've been hearing about the administration's mishandling of the recent rapes on campus (of which I believe there were three) for the past six or more months. And there were a bunch of on-campus protests. I'm not surprised that one of them filed a title ix complaint.

I believe there were three sexual assaults/rapes at Sarah Lawrence in the last year, that I heard of (as an alum). From what I hear, the students were extremely vocal about this and held a number of protests on campus, and the administration's response was not good. All of my information is secondary but I think it

Chronic pain could be father has been prescribed opioids for arthritis pain. I have recently been prescribed percocet (low dose, 5mgs) for terrible period cramps. Granted, my prescription isn't refillable, but was fairly easy to obtain. What I can't imagine is someone wanting to take this stuff unless

I met my fiance on OkCupid. Pretty standard, but I promise it gets weird!