there's a visine for that

Go read a book on what Feminism actually constitute because you are clearly clueless. Here's another hint, being pro-choice is about having autonomy over one's reproductive function It does not include whatever shit vacuous women pump into their faces.

There was a commenter on Jezebel who once argued that the fraternity system is the worst part of American universities, and the sorority system was the best, or at least had the potential to be if fraternities were removed from the picture. (At the present, they're far too intertwined to test out this theory.) I think

Little People of America, along with several other similar groups, have written petitions and letters to Chelsea asking her to stop her systematic dehumanization of little people on her show and to consider the ramifications of her viewers seeing her treat him like a subhuman mascot, night after night.

Wow. What a plight to carry. It must be so miserable to be able to pass for White and have privilege or even power.

Every time I hear about "Sound of Music Live! on NBC," I have to remind myself that it's a real thing that happened and not just a 30 Rock joke.

It still puts the onus on her to stop having too many needs, rather than to address where her insecurities might come from.

I take issue with the idea that he can behave any way short of rape and so long as he isn't the one who actually penetrated her, then he's a good kid who has gotten a bad rap. The whole next section is poor Cody Saltsman, people have a low opinion of him now, and what's going to happen to his scholarship? How about

Ex-Interdisciplinary humanties scholar here. I've often wondered about that too.

Any Jezzie neurobiologists? As a religion scholar, I get pretty ragey about the "is there a thing we don't understand? DRUGS!" method of research, but I'm frustratingly ignorant on this topic.

So no reviews anymore? Or did you only watch when the woman are on the screen? Being a male and a frequenter of IO9, Deadspin and Gawker, I used to enjoy the coming to Jezebel to read the Mad Men reviews. It was very refreshing getting another perspective, one that I can not relate and not because of my age (I'm 27).

I agree, I just don't think that A+F is the flagship representation of 'cool' that it once was. It's current and mere association with a cultural norm for 'beauty' does not mean that it is culturally relevant as a company, or that it has any actual influence. It may be a fading reflection, however. Also: here's a bit

I find this creepy as fuck (I also dislike patriarchal religions. Surprise!) considering the idea that the purpose of this woman is to be a broodmare and produce heirs, and that her body is considered the public property of the community (*cue tone-deaf token idiots talking about Kate Middleton)—both her purity, which

Not to mention, if you want to give someone flowers, you don't give them wilting, yellow-brown flowers like the ones on Kim's dress. I don't think the pattern would have been as hideous if it used a fresher colour scheme.

I agree. It was almost like the pattern was there to obscure her pregnancy.

Legally you are covered. You are authorized deadly force in a situation where assailants are applying deadly force against civilians or police officers. If he had any training with his weapon, he would know to fire from a recessed position in his house, thereby eliminating police line of sight on him. Then, once he

You could probably make a case of self defense. The suspects were right outside his house, firing weapons and throwing explosives. If he waited until they were facing him, a good lawyer could make the case that he thought they were pointing a gun (or explosive) his direction, and/or attempting to force their way

Taking out your own gun and injecting yourself into a firefight between cops and baddies would be about the most ill-advised move you could pull. I can think of various reasons this would be a BAD idea, the most obvious of which is getting yourself shot up by cops in the confusion. They don't know who you are, and

Possibly, but not recommended at all, I remember hearing about a FL case in which a neighbor saved a policemen from a crazed shooter by shooting the man from his home because he had a perfect vantage point.

Not joking, you never know, Cops might have got spooked and fired on him if he had done that.

I love everything about the new design except this. I know trolls suck but I like seeing them anyway. I don't feed them, but I like to see them. Like visiting a zoo.