there's a visine for that

I'm fairly young (25) but I can't imagine another FLOTUS having as much of an inspirational impact on young girls than Michelle Obama. I've seen so many videos of her going to schools and such and when she walks out, kids go crazy. She's got such a positive star power.

Is this lack of editing supposed to be ironic here?

I'm 25 and going to a party tonight. I have a boyfriend but I definitely need to rock someone (else's) world... :x

Girl, time is money. The amount of time legislatures spend arguing about my uterus, and your's, is disgusting. If they want to talk about women's issues, there's so much more they could be doing.

Our relationships, our business.

No joke. I can't imagine why my sex life, or lack thereof, would be something I publicized to the national media if I were an Olympic contender...

Agreed. I'm tired of the pussy-on-a-pedestal mindset.

Did you wait until marriage? Did you consider yourself "pure" and that you were "gifting" your virginity to your husband? If not, it's not quite the same as what this Lolo woman is doing.

It's just something, a gift that I want to give to my husband

I had the same problem! Just couldn't see it. Help!

I think women in the (television) media and in positions of power that put them in the media have it the worst. When I watch cable news, all the female anchors are essentially carbon copies of each other (visually, I mean). They all look like they're wearing stage makeup and being filmed with a soft lens (plastic

I don't get it. If I was going to try to pigeonhole her, I'd just say she's a hipster.

Look, I get 5 doctor's visits a year before I have to start paying toward my deductible. I am poor and this is what I can afford. I feel like being REQUIRED to see my gynecologist every year in order to get a refill on birth control pills is absolutely ridiculous, especially when that drops the number of doctor's

I think Weiner wants us all to love Megan but what you've articulated is that we still don't know *why* we should love her. She's everywhere that I want other characters to be and frankly I'm annoyed with how prominent he's made her at the expense of all the other characters.

I definitely miss her too. That second episode of this season, where we learn Betty's gotten a little overweight, was so exciting. It made me really interested in the new story arcs that were to come— especially when Weiner added in Joan dumping her rapist husband and Ginsberg's mysterious background. But now all we

Just to be clear: during the montage at the end of the episode where we get snapshots of what everyone's up to, Megan's lying down and it looks like she's in the middle of a breathing exercise. Yes? At her acting class?

There was such much Betty in Rory Gilmore's eyes. Either it was terrible writing or terrible acting, but I'd rather see less Gilmore and more Betty.

So last night, a friend a I drop by a Publix to pick up some wine before a dinner party. At the check out, I get into a little small-talk with the (white) cashier; he's finished his last final for the semester and is excited because he's got a week long trip to the keys coming up next week. Without thinking, I say

Trolling ONTD for stories, huh?

I don't think he actually watches the series. He seems woefully unaware of what's happened between the couples— especially Chelsea and Adam.