
as people use the term ‘due process’ all the time as shortcut, and not in legal sense.

Ah. You not only don’t understand what Due Process means, you also don’t understand the word “convict” or what a burden of proof is. A conviction is something that a judge or jury does in a criminal trial held by the government. A burden of proof is something that a party in a civil or criminal trial must satisfy in

Since you also appear to misunderstand what Due Process is, let me clarify. Due Process is a thing that the Government must give you when it takes an action that affects any of your rights.

-1 False equivalence.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is the standard in a court of law, not in the court of public opinion.

Barack Obama is certainly the most photogenic president.

Enjoy your car commute to work, coming home to the middle of nowhere and looking out the window at nothing while I consider which of the 3000 bars or restaurants I want to go to, get my 1 hour amazon delivery or pick which of the literally hundreds of galleries, museums, concerts or other cultural events I want to

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.

I think it says a great deal about the current state of the Republican party that a Senator lying about millions he made off of Hedge funds and real estate comes across as almost charmingly quaint.

And why did the still very much working Mae Whitman not return when Brent Spiner whose character was fucking killed is back? Because they didn’t ask her because Roland Emmerich is a consummate dickhead in a business filled with dickheads and did what dickheads do: chose instead to cast a blonde to play her role.

Heh. I love it when writers/producers brutally kill off characters when actors don’t want to reprise their roles playing them.


I don’t know much about kids and their developmental stages, but she does seem pretty advanced for a 3 year old. Is that normal?!?!

Riley is the only reason I pay attention to Steph. Steph is the only reason I now pay attention to the NBA. Riley is single-handedly saving the NBA.

What really needs to change is shitting on people with good intentions and start shitting on people who actually deserve it.

I sounds like she really took to the time to learn something and understand where the criticism was coming from. Her originally statement, while obviously well meaning, was not so great, but we all make mistakes like that sometimes. I really appreciate it when people are able to acknowledge what they did wrong and

I have watched an episode of Bones in several years but I think that’s just a really unflattering photo of both of them.

I really needed a content warning on that image. I havent looked at him since season 3 of buffy (through my rose colored teenaged crush glasses) and he can’t become a middle aged man...