Sarah Doong

Yeah - I bet women across the Arab world shit a brick every time the peanut butter ad runs.

Refugees need to make efforts to assimilate. Meet us halfway, people. Or go back all the way.

It’s not weird. Assimilation of some common sense morals and practices is essential. If you want to come to the west, there are some ground rules. Keep you cultural food, religion, holidays, clothes, etc - but respect our laws and our definitions of human dignity.


Then its diet composition.

Can someone explain how PCOS affects the laws of Thermodynamics? Not being a bitch, but curious.

There’s a line between people sidelined by disease and people (oh lets be honest, 95% of fat people) who just lack self control and stuff sugar down the gullet no matter what. Seriously, why isn’t the whole world like this? Any suggestion that the obesity epidemic is a conglomeration of many single, faultless,

The truth is that fat people are not nearly as attractive as thin people.

She’ll still be hot, primarily because she’ll still be skinny.

Americans (and Canadians) smoke less now and every study on the subject spells it out pretty plainly, making cigarettes more expensive through taxes had no effect. Telling people they’re stinky fucking losers for smoking, shaming the heck out of them, worked. It will work for fucking fatties, too.