That's a challenge for writers in any medium. All I asked of The Shallows was that the ending remain tonally consistent with the raw, survivalist feel of the first three-quarters of the film.
That's a challenge for writers in any medium. All I asked of The Shallows was that the ending remain tonally consistent with the raw, survivalist feel of the first three-quarters of the film.
"The movie’s third act takes an abrupt swerve in a less plausible, more
heightened direction, serving up the conventional heroics that acts one
and two had studiously avoided." This was the problem with The Shallows, for me. I enjoyed it quite a bit until the ridiculous CG action movie ending.
Bruce Willis turned into Steven Seagal so quickly I didn't notice.
When I was a teenager babysitting the neighbor kid, I showed him the first part of Aliens, thinking that since it was on TV, it wouldn't be that bad. He went to bed right after the aliens attacked and wiped out most of the marines. His mother told me the next day that she found him wandering around upstairs when she…
That reminds me of when I saw Inland Empire in the old Orpheum Theater in Madison back when it came out. At one point midway through that very long David Lynch movie, Laura Dern walks into a theater and down the aisle. The interior of the theater looked exactly like the Orpheum. We were in the front row of the…
Sadistic clarification needed for me, a new father: did you tell him it was based on a true story, or that these were the actual recordings of real people?
"Dylan suggested in his speech that there was more to this novel than a story of a man hunting a white whale. However, this observation was also made by Sparknotes."
It had its moments. I thought the "interview" scene was really well done. The problem with the idea of these spin-offs is they take one or two creepy scenes from the original film and try to stretch them out to 90 minutes.
Short version: I hate salespeople.
But these are all true stories!!!
What I enjoyed most about The Conjuring 2 was that we had just spent two hours at La-Z-Boy trying to buy a reclining chair, and then we went and saw a horror movie about a haunted reclining chair.
Upvoting because pun.
I would rather watch The Conjuring 3(-D), 4, 5, 666, New Blood, vs. Jason, etc…all the standard sequels and all the diminishing returns they imply…than these spin-off movies.
My God, I made the mistake of watching a bit of that Kelsey Grammar video right before going into a meeting, and through the whole meeting I only had the same thing going over and over through my head. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha/Laughing in rhythm."
I watch it on Netflix which I think is the uncut version due to the number of F-bombs. I know SyFy was running ads saying "for the uncensored version, go to" I assume they edited it for broadcast and wonder if they're going to do the same thing with Blood Drive.
There are "grindhouse" comic books now. It really is just a buzzword that has been completely divorced from its original meaning.
I wonder if the uncut versions will only be available online. I think they do something similar with The Magicians, don't they?
Interesting, I might check that out. I got a great deal out of J.W. Rinzler's "The Making of Star Wars," which struck me as pretty warts-and-all. And the thing that annoys me the most about people griping about Lucas and the writing etc. on the original Star Wars is that he was really hard on himself, too. He disliked…
If you go back and look at what people were saying about Star Wars before it came out, there was a lot of anticipation because it was from the director of American Graffiti. He was a big name already. Even though there was skepticism about Star Wars itself.
The Last House on Dead End Street? Um…good luck, brave souls!