
I hope that the next inevitable Bond Blu-Ray release contains a half hour long documentary on the pigeon. ("And then I thought, wait - we can save this in the editing room. I've got an idea.")

Maybe it was all Jaws' idea.

From everything I've read, he was just so proud to finally be in a big budget film. He did sneer a bit at Hammer's low budgets and cost cutting. So I'm sure he really enjoyed that role.

Tagline: "This time he's playing by the rules!"

That was truly a Mr. Show-worthy line.

And they're also scripting sketches for this tour w/pre-taped bits from Patton and Felicia. It sounds like this will be more elaborate than Cinematic Titanic, building off what Joel learned.

People would be pretty pissed if they did, say, a dozen different movies spread out over all these cities - because then you couldn't see them all. Unless you're picturing a Grateful Dead model where fans just quit their jobs and follow them around, waiting for the next amazing improvisation so that one can say, "Man,

I get what you're saying, but I just don't think that really matters when it comes to doing a live show. Live shows are their own species of animal and there's more electricity when performers are in front of a live audience, and back-and-forth.

They relax as the season goes on. "Reptilicus" is the most awkward but by the time I got to "Yongary" I didn't feel this way at all.

"Cry Wilderness" was easily the funniest movie they riffed this season so I look forward to re-watching it. "Carnival Magic" was also…um….something.

It took a few episodes for me to warm up to it, but by the time I got to "Yongary" (which feels like one of the classic Gamera MST3K episodes) I was loving it. I also think they relax on the riffing a few episodes in, so it begins to feel more natural. My initial criticisms melted away the more I watched.

I also think they're a shoe-in for renewal. And having just watched the last episode, it would be…um…really odd if they just ended it where they did.

Nor how to pronounce it!

I guess we've had different experiences. There's a zillion-page post in the forums right now about enthusiasts arguing over what the exact color scheme of Suspiria should be on Blu-Ray, so that's my most recent experience on Suspiria online discussions.

I used to work at a video store in Milwaukee in the 90's and when a Jeffrey Dahmer movie came out pretty close after Dahmer came into the public light, we decided to carry the movie but keep it behind the counter. You had to ask for it, because it was such a sensitive subject in the Milwaukee area. (But obviously

I tend to think of Suspiria as being an acknowledged classic of the genre (which is not to say it's flawless). Critics and horror buffs reference it all the time. But I don't think it's necessarily a known quantity beyond those groups. Certainly wouldn't limit it to "hardcore giallo enthusiasts" unless I misread you.

The music is a major component of Suspiria - it's a very famous score (and apparently a valid choice for Olympic synchronized swim routines, if history is to judge by). I first saw this in a revival screening many years ago and it scared the hell out of me, and the blaring score, which filled the theater, was a big

But he watched the first 20 minutes and formed an opinion!!

"FBI Director James Comey has been fired. Hope we get something about Dakota!! [blush emoji]"

I wish I could afford it, but the MST3K Kickstarter took all my funny money. It looks beautiful. I never thought I'd live in a world with a Jean Rollin boardgame.